Membership at

For the first time, you can become a member at Everyone who subscribes will still get the email Health Memos free, but as a member you’ll get many extras plus a discount on products and more access to Dr. Chet—all for a low annual fee.

There are many websites that offer health information, but this one is different from most. We choose not to sell foods or dietary supplements because we don’t ever want you to doubt our objectivity. We also don’t want to clutter our site with clickable ads for who-knows-which products that may not meet our standards. Our solution is to offer you two levels of membership that will give you even more health information along with easy access to Dr. Chet to answer your personal health questions.

Why should you become a Member at


One word describes it: access.

  • Access to my archives. I’ve written and spoken about health and fitness for nearly 30 years. Everyone will have access to the last six months of Health Memos, but Members get access all the archives going back years and they’ll be searchable. You can browse what I’ve written about general health topics and my interpretation of the latest research on controversial topics such as dietary supplements, weight loss programs, and how best to take care of your health, or you can search for specific health conditions or supplements.
  • Free access to Straight Talk on Health audios.
  • Advance registration for all in-person seminars and online webinars sponsored by Dr. Chet—you’ll never get shut out.
  • Preferred email access to me when you have personal questions about your health, your family, or your customers—and as a Member your email will be at the head of the line.

Members also get a 10% discount on all products, Dr. Chet’s webinars and seminars, personal consultations, and online or phone coaching. At only $29.95 per year, it makes sense to become a Member to get the answers you need for your personal health plus the health of your family and customers.

Better yet, become an Insider.


You get all of the benefits above with a 20% discount on all products, Dr. Chet’s webinars and seminars, personal consultations, online or phone coaching and even more:

  • In addition to preferred email access and Straight Talk on Health audios, you’ll get my phone number—you can call me directly with your questions.
  • Free participation in monthly conference calls. I briefly cover important health topics, whether currently in the news or background information on diet, exercise, supplements, or diseases, then the call becomes your forum to get your general questions answered. If you want to know, others will as well. In addition, the Insiders page has links to the last six Insider calls.
  • A discount of 25% on personal consultations and online or phone coaching.
  • Free copies of the MP3 or PDF for all topics of The Bottom Line, info you can use to improve your own health plus that of your family, your friends, and your clients.

Get the best I have to offer—become an Insider for only $69.95 per year.

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