Tag Archive for: sunglasses

Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

When I interviewed our optometrist, Dr. Laura Kenyon, for my Sunday radio show here in Grand Rapids called Straight Talk on Health (you can listen live via the Internet by going to https://www.wgvunews.org/programs/straight-talk-health), I learned a lot about how to take care of your eyes. In this week’s Memos, I want to cover the things that you should do for good eye health, regardless of your current age. As you’ll find out, it’s never too early to start.

I asked Dr. Kenyon what were the biggest mistakes people make when caring for their eyes. Her answer rang a bell for me: most people believe they should see an eye doctor only when they need glasses, so they don’t get regular eye exams. That’s a mistake; whether they need glasses or not, very subtle changes that occur within the eye may not have been noticed because it hasn’t affected their vision yet. For example, I never would have known I had glaucoma if I hadn’t needed new glasses. Now, five or six years later, the pressure in my eyes is under control and I haven’t lost vision.

The most important rule is to get regular eye exams. How often? A motto she used says it all: To see clearly, check yearly. I think that’s a good one to adopt.

The second eye health mistake we make is not wearing sunglasses. The sun’s rays can damage the lenses of the eye even without bright sunshine, so if you’re going outdoors put on sunglasses even in cloudy weather.

I’ll finish the list on Saturday. In the meantime, is it time for you to schedule your eye exam? Get to it.

Also, tomorrow is the next Insider Conference Call. Essential amino acids and fasting before starting to change your diet are on the agenda, along with answering Insider questions. Isn’t it time you became an Insider? Join today and you can be a part of tomorrow’s call.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet