Tag Archive for: sperm

Men, Their Microbiome, and Infertility

What role does a man’s microbiome play in infertility? Maybe a lot more than we thought. There are many more factors that affect fertility, with more studies published every day, but this week’s posts have focused on the microbiome. We’ll finish with a study on men.

Researchers examined the sperm of men who contributed semen to an in-vitro fertilization clinic before IVF with their partners. They wanted to determine whether there was a relationship between periodontal disease and sperm quantity and motility—how many sperm and how well those sperm moved. They found that men with periodontal disease had low sperm counts and the sperm were not as active. Those two problems can contribute to infertility.

Just as with women who have periodontal disease, the pathogenic bacteria appear to have an affect on fertility. The same type of treatment for periodontal disease may help fertility issues for both partners. But let me be clear: the microbiome is only one aspect of fertility; there are other issues that contribute to infertility that may also need to be addressed.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: J Clin Periodontol. 2011 Jun;38(6):542-6.