Tag Archive for: soft tissue

Overcoming Discomfort

Last month, I did 70 push-ups on my 70th birthday. They were not full push-ups; they went about halfway. It took a year to be able to overcome shoulder weakness and discomfort because of torn bicep muscles in both arms. But by doing push-ups every day, I gradually pushed out the number every few weeks, beginning with 10 and culminating with 70. Most importantly, I don’t have any pain nor discomfort when I do them now.

I attempted to do full push-ups this past Sunday. I was able to do four with the shoulder discomfort starting on the fifth one. But I know the process and I know over time, by gaining strength in the other muscles and with a consistent effort, I will do 70 full push-ups before this year is out.

Now, I’m turning attention to my right knee that’s bone on bone. I saw my physical therapist yesterday to get his direction in strengthening my knee. There’s a lot of work ahead of me, but I’m determined to make my knee function better than it currently does—15 minutes at a time.

While all discomfort is not the direct result of soft tissue problems, many are. The only thing you can do is to get the best direction from physical therapists and other health professionals and then get to work. It will take time and you must be consistent. It may get worse before it gets better.

But stop and think: what if you had 50% less discomfort or 30% more range of motion or 60% more strength? Would it be worth the effort? Only you can decide, but from nothing you get nothing. What can you get from 15 minutes per day?

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet