Tag Archive for: skin health

Four Tips for the 4th!

We are fast approaching the three-day holiday weekend to celebrate the 4th of July here in the U.S. It got me to thinking: just because it’s a holiday, it doesn’t mean we should completely abandon some of our health habits that might be strained a little bit, given the celebrations associated with Independence Day. This is going to be a time to be outside, most likely in the heat and humidity given the advanced forecasts, with plenty of foods that may not be typical of our normal diet. So I decided to give you four tips for your health this holiday weekend.

Protect Your Eyes

I’ve been watching barbecue competitions on the Food Network, and I’ve noticed the master chefs squinting because the sun is constantly in their eyes. Don’t do that. Wear a hat with a brim to shield your eyes from direct sunlight, then add sunglasses to your ensemble. While there’s no direct evidence that a single exposure creates critical damage to the eyes, there’s no point in exposing your eyes to the most powerful and strongest sunshine of the year. Don’t forget that this applies to kids as well; keeping kids in good-quality sunglasses isn’t easy, but we have to protect those little eyes—or maybe opt for a cool hat. It’s also important if spending time in a pool or lake; the glare of the sun off the water can be just as damaging.

Protect Your Skin

I recently spent a significant amount of time researching the potential benefits of taking collagen for skin health, and the single most damaging factor to skin as we age is exposure to the sun. If you’re going to be outside for parades, family gatherings, in the pool, etc, make sure that you use sunblock to protect your skin. It will require re-application as the day goes on, but it’s worth it. If you want to avoid the problems of aging skin, protect it now, and again, don’t forget about protecting the skin of your children and grandchildren. A bad burn early in life may have consequences later on.


When you spend hours and hours in outdoor activities, you have to maintain your fluid intake and then some. The general recommendation is half your body weight in ounces per day; if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of fluids every day. If it’s a hot, humid day, it should be four to eight ounces about every 15 minutes. The only fluid that doesn’t count is alcoholic beverages; alcohol is a diuretic which means you will lose more fluid than you take in. So you have to make sure that you focus on other types of fluid as well. This might be a good time to check out Paula’s Sugar-Free Sweet Tea recipe on the Health Info page of drchet.com; she spent weeks researching and testing to find a way to have Southern-style sweet tea without the calories, and I think she came as close as possible. Contrary to widespread belief, caffeine is not a diuretic; tea, coffee, energy drinks, and other caffeinated drinks add to your total the same as non-caffeinated.

Red, White, and Blue

Hot dogs, hamburgers, ribs, and other grilled meats seem to dominate our diet during the July 4th cookouts. I wouldn’t think of changing that, but I would add some red, white, and blue to it. The vitamins and phytonutrients in fruit can offset some of those high fat foods we may eat. Look for strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, and tomatoes for the red. Apples, pears, and bananas for the white. Blueberries, blackberries, and Concord grapes for the blue. Emphasize fruit snacks instead of salty, and get a cup or two with every meal for the healthy nutrients and great tastes.

The Bottom Line

Enjoy Independence Day to the fullest, but take a couple of minutes to take care of your health while you celebrate. You’ll reap the benefits by keeping your body independent of the potential challenges celebrations can bring. Paula and I will do the same. Enjoy the holiday weekend and we’ll see you next Tuesday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet