Tag Archive for: serving size

“I’ll Have What She’s Having”

My philosophy of getting to a normal weight and staying there is to find out what works best for you by trial and error. When you find something that works, stick with it. This week, I’m going to relay the conversations I had with two people within 24 hours and how they approached weight reduction.

I recently saw a physician I hadn’t seen in three or four months, and I noticed he appeared to have lost some weight. I commented that he looked leaner than the last time I saw him. Many people ask how a person lost the weight, but I think that’s a personal thing; if someone wants to share it, great. Evidently he decided he’d share it.

He knew that he was way over his weight for height based on BMI; he also relayed the fact that he didn’t want to track his calories. What he decided to do was to eat the way his wife ate. She’s about 5’ 1” tall and weighs 110 pounds; she’s always maintained that weight with no effort. He decided to eat the food that she ate in the serving size that she ate. I’d never heard that from anyone before, and I thought it was brilliant. The result of following that pattern over a number of months was that he had lost 45 pounds and still had about 15 pounds to go to get to his normal weight for height.

When a couple do things together, it can make things so much easier, but it doesn’t have to be a couple. If you can observe people who appear to be lean and a normal body weight, just watch the amount of food they eat as well as the types of food they eat. It always comes down to eat less, eat better, move more. As I said when I started, we just have to figure out how to do that for ourselves to find out what works best. Next story on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet