Tag Archive for: pandemic

Mental Health 2020: Take Control

In the last Memo I said that there are no simple rules to be made whether we talk about the pandemic or politics. These are complicated issues no matter how much we wish they were not. There are no absolute answers, and that results in a loss of control. We appear to have lost control of our lives, and that uncertainty creates anxiety and subsequently depressive symptoms.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?

Could this unrelenting stress result in something such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Generally, PTSD is associated with a single traumatic event. After the last presidential election, that term was floated because for over half the electorate, the results were unexpected. Psychologists and psychiatrists were quick to suggest that term didn’t apply.

There have been no studies published on the general population related to PTSD and COVID-19 in the U.S., but research from Italy and China indicates that even though the pandemic is an ongoing stressor, it can potentially lead to a PTSD scenario in some people. Whether it’s called PTSD or given some other name, the loss of control is very stressful to most Americans.

Is It Time for Digital Detox?

Is there anything we can do to ease the current level of stress? One psychologist suggests that we take a social media and digital detox. I have to agree.

You want proof? “Russian interference.” That phrase alone can start a social-media firestorm. I don’t even have to go into the particulars, and people on both sides of the issue have their digital knives drawn. Didn’t you just for that split second get ready to attack, depending on your political persuasion, even though I didn’t say another word? Do you think that’s healthy? I don’t think so.

I think that if you use social media or the Internet, take a break or limit it the time spent on it every day. I certainly have. I believe in a controlled fast to help your body detoxify itself, and the same applies to our mental health. Just as you eat better foods while you detox your body, get back to reading more positive books and magazines to detox your mind. End your online session with cat videos or baby pictures or scripture—whatever makes you smile and feel good.

It comes back to control. You’re in charge of you, and you can control what you do and see. You can’t control what other people say or do. Do you really think you’ll be able to change someone’s mind about politics or the pandemic with what you have to say? When they respond in a vicious way, is that going to help your mental state? Get control of your digital world and detox your brain.

The Bottom Line

We live in challenging times and we certainly live in a constant state of stress. That can definitely impact our mental health whether we realize it or not. As I said, much of what is impacting us today is not under our control.

What we can do is control how we respond to it. Eat better. Eat less. Move more. And clear your mind with a digital detox. It all comes down to one question:

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

1. https://wbur.fm/33q5hHX
2. https://bit.ly/2FsESRN
3. https://bit.ly/3kecphl

Mental Health 2020: The Stats

At this point, there have been no substantive studies of mental health resulting from either the pandemic or the political climate in the U.S. There are metrics that have been tracked via online survey since April; the surveys added modified questions that ask about factors related to the pandemic.

The results for symptoms of anxiety show that 30.8% of respondents indicated more symptoms in late April compared to 31.4% in late August although the percentage fluctuated as high as 36.0%. The results for symptoms of depression ranged from 23.5% in late April to 24.5% in late August with a percentage fluctuation as high as 28.8%.

What do the numbers mean in comparison with pre-pandemic times?
From January to June 2019, 8.2% of adults aged 18 and over had symptoms of anxiety disorder while 6.6% had symptoms of depressive disorder. The current surveys are not perfect and there’s no statistical analysis, but by all appearances we are more anxious and tend to exhibit more depressive symptoms.

I think what contributes to the anxiety is that there’s no simple solution. Humans like binary choices: this is right, that’s wrong. And that just doesn’t apply in this case. Could we be creating a population at risk for a form of posttraumatic stress disorder? Is there anything we can do about it? We’ll take a look at that on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

1. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/pulse/mental-health.htm
2. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/depression.htm