Tag Archive for: omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s and Cardiac Events

There was another study this week on omega-3 fatty acids. While the study I talked about last Thursday was small with only 21 subjects, this trial contained over 13,000 subjects from 675 hospitals and clinical centers all around the world. In this five-year study, one of the omega-3 fish oil medications was being tested to see if it would reduce cardiac events such as heart attacks, stroke, and death when compared with subjects taking a corn-oil placebo. The study was stopped early when it was clear there were going to be no significant differences in any of the outcomes that were being studied. In other words, the prescription fish oil did not reduce cardiovascular disease events.

While that may seem disappointing, there are some factors that most likely impacted the outcome and a couple that may have but could not be tested.

The Subject Pool

The subjects in this clinical trial had significant risk for CVD; they were required to have established coronary artery disease or significant risk factors to be included in the clinical trial. Those risk factors included being a type 1 or type 2 diabetic, with at least one additional risk factor including chronic smoking, hypertension, hs-CRP higher than two mg/L, moderately increased protein loss, or being older with similar factors as the diabetics.

The Data Not Collected

In reading the study, there were three criteria that came to mind that could have impacted the outcome if the corresponding data had been collected and considered in the statistical analysis. I emailed the relevant author and got the answers.

1. Were data collected on exercise habits of the subjects? No.

2. Were nutritional data collected on the subjects? No.

3. Was the form of omega-3 used, a highly purified carboxylic acid form, assessed as to how the metabolism impacts the omega-3s’ mechanism of action? No.

It seems to me that if the data could be analyzed on exercisers versus sedentary as well as using nutritional factors, even just daily caloric intake, there may have been significant results. As for the form of omega-3s, the CA form is highly absorbed and doesn’t require a fat in the diet to assist with that process. There might have been something else that happens during metabolism that normally assists in the risk reduction. We just don’t know.

The Bottom Line

The authors acknowledge that this subject pool was at high risk for cardiac events. One explanation is that the progression of disease may have already been too advanced and could have impacted the efficacy of the medication. For people with less established CVD, the omega-3s might have been more effective.

Many in the medical field wrote about the failure of omega-3s in medication or supplement form to prove that they have any impact on CVD events or mortality. I think they’re wrong. The one outcome they never test is the quality of life. Granted, it’s difficult to assess but if people can live their lives even 10% better, regardless of CVD events, that seems worth it. Paula and I are still taking our omega-3 supplements; in fact Riley takes one, too, even though he’s only five and we’re not concerned about his heart. Whether you’re worried about your heart or not, omega-3s have many benefits. This study shows no reason why you or I should stop taking them.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: JAMA. 2020;324(22):2268-2280. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.22258

Should You Try Prescription Fish Oil?

The final marketing point that the prescription fish oil supplement makes is that the DHA omega-3 fatty acid found in many heart healthy fish oil blends may raise LDL-cholesterol. That’s the cholesterol, known as the lousy cholesterol, associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Based on the studies I read, there may be a small increase in LDL-cholesterol in some studies. What they fail to mention is that there’s more than one type of LDL-cholesterol. The small, dense LDL cholesterol has been shown to be associated in CVD even when LDL-cholesterol is in the normal range; the large and fluffy LDL-cholesterol seems to have no relationship with CVD. The supplement fish oils that contain DHA seem to raise only the large LDL-cholesterol. That has led other researchers to call the effect of fish oil on LDL to be cardioprotective at best and benign at worst.

The Issues with the Marketing of Rx Fish Oil

Every company wants to put their best foot forward and prescription fish oil is no different. In reviewing the marketing materials as well as the research, here are my concerns:

  • The results of the studies they cite show a decrease in triglycerides of 33%. The mean level of triglycerides in one of the studies was about 660 mg/dl. That means it dropped the mean level to 440 mg/dl. While statistically significant, there’s no way to know whether that’s clinically significant in reducing the overall risk of CVD because the studies were so short.
  • The company clearly states that this medication is clinically relevant only to people with triglycerides greater 500 mg/dl; that’s a very small percentage of patients who may have familial high cholesterol. For the typical person with high triglycerides, this medication is not appropriate. That doesn’t mean it’s illegal to prescribe it for people with triglycerides between 250 and 500, but there’s also no evidence that it’s better than a change in diet or exercise. Will it be prescribed only for people with high triglycerides? We’ll see.
  • The company did not run comparative studies against fish oil supplements or with diet and exercise alone. Seems like that would be obvious.
  • Finally, while there are programs to get this medication for lower prices, I checked with my prescription plan and the cost would be $375 per month. For that kind of money, you can have someone prepare healthy meals specifically designed to reduce your triglycerides or take a class to learn to prepare them yourself; you could definitely join and inexpensive gym and buy more fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Bottom Line

Similar to statin medications when they were introduced decades ago, prescription fish oil should be limited to a very specific part of the population with familial high triglycerides. That’s all—no one else.

As for fish oil supplements, the issues they point out in their marketing material are not significant. You never use dietary supplements to treat any disease, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help you compensate for nutritional deficiencies. There will be a difference in the quality of any supplement so make sure you choose a quality manufacturer.

For the bulk of the population to reduce their triglycerides, reducing refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and alcohol, increasing vegetable and fruit intake, and getting some exercise will help most. Like I always say: Eat better. Eat less. Move more.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2016.08.005.
2. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Aug 1;103(8):2909-2917.
3. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Apr;79(4):558-63.

Fish Oil: Medication versus Supplements

Before I address the concerns about fish oil supplements put forth by the Vascepa® prescription omega-3 website, it’s important to understand that all prescription and over-the-counter medications have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That means they have spent a significant amount of money—sometimes over $1 billion—to prove that the treatment claims are significant, and you can’t take that away from them. But marketing is a different story, so let’s look at what they say.

“Fish oil supplements are not FDA-approved.” True; no dietary supplement is FDA-approved, but that doesn’t mean they’re not regulated. They also can’t make claims about curing diseases.

“Daily dose could require 10 to 40 capsules to equal the prescription EPA omega-3.” That depends on the brand purchased, so that critique is weak.

“Fish oil supplements can leave a fish-y aftertaste.” Really? It’s fish oil, what would you expect? (Keeping the supplements in the refrigerator may help with that as well as taking fish oil before meals.) They suggest that the oils turn rancid and that causes the taste, but they offer no proof of that claim.

The last critique they make of fish oil supplements is that “Many contain another omega-3 fatty acid called DHA.” They say DHA can raise LDL cholesterol. I’ll address that claim and provide some concerns I have with the prescription omega-3 and how it’s being marketed on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Treatment for High Triglycerides

Hypertriglyceridemia, the medical term for high triglycerides, is a risk for cardiovascular disease. Recently I spotted a health headline from a medical newsletter that read “Omega-3 Fatty Acid Medications Can Boost Cardiovascular Health.” The word that caught my attention was “medications” so I checked it out.

The article described the benefits of recently approved medications based on marine omega-3 fatty acids. I checked out the latest one called Vascepa®. This is a purified form of fish oil that, according to the data on its website, can lower triglycerides up to 33%. Sounds impressive.

Back to the newsletter article: the author interviewed the lead author of a review paper that stated that prescription omega-3s are effective in lowering high triglycerides. Then she went on to say to avoid omega-3s from dietary supplements because they haven’t been proven to lower triglycerides as the prescription omega-3s have.

The website for Vascepa went a lot further in criticizing omega-3 supplements. What were their objections? Is a prescription the best way to go to treat hypertriglyceridemia? That’s what I’ll cover the rest of this week.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326146.php

Interaction Between Food and Blood Thinners

Blood thinners are the second most common medication that can interact with food and supplements. Blood thinners such as warfarin are used to prevent blood clots in people with atrial fibrillation, artificial heart valves, and deep vein thrombosis.

When a blood thinner is prescribed, people are given a list of foods and supplements to avoid. Top of the list is vitamin K and foods that contain vitamin K such as green leafy vegetables. Herbs such as garlic and ginkgo, supplements that contain vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, and omega-3 fatty acids are also discouraged because they may make the blood thinner. The goal is to optimize the international normalized ratio (INR), a measure of clotting ability. It isn’t that those types of patients have blood that coagulates more than normal; the theory is that keeping vitamin K from interfering with the blood thinner will reduce the probability of clots.

The problem: the recommendations are not supported by definitive research; it’s more a matter of playing it safe based on the theory of what the nutrients will do rather than actually based on science. In a recent review article, the authors concluded: “Restriction of dietary vitamin K intake does not seem to be a valid strategy to improve anticoagulation quality with vitamin K antagonists. It would be, perhaps, more relevant to maintain stable dietary habits, avoiding wide changes in the intake of vitamin K.” I absolutely agree.

What do you do? First, decide what diet you want to eat and supplements you want to take and stick to it. Second, work with your physician to adjust the blood thinner to get the dosage just right to keep your INR within range. Third, if you can’t get it normalized, there may be other factors as yet unknown that are affecting clotting. You’ll have to stick to the common recommendations, science-based or not.

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What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Mar;95(10):e2895.


Supplements for Low Back Pain

To cope with pain in the lower back, we’ve looked at solutions that deal with mechanics: trying to increase the fluid levels of the discs as well as stretching and strengthening the core muscles. The next logical step is to cover some supplements that can help with low back pain.

Where there’s pain, there’s inflammation. Two nutrients can help reduce inflammation in bones and joints: omega-3 . . .

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