Tag Archive for: NYC Point Gods

What We Can Learn From “NYC Point Gods”

We’re watching a little more basketball these days because it’s Riley’s favorite sport. That’s how I discovered a documentary about the glory years of point guards in the 1980s and ’90s in New York City. It may still be a thing, but back then it was special.

One part of the documentary focused on one thing: The Handle. That’s the ability to dribble and create magic with a basketball, and magic it was. But for me that wasn’t the real point. The results were outstanding, but the price was the time it took to get the Handle: years. Dribbling with one hand while bringing home a bag of groceries in the other. As one guard said, some eggs were broken. Dribbling before dawn down the middle of the street. Given the conditions in NYC at the time, it was probably the only smooth surface and was well lit.

What does that have to do with health? Just this—what are you investing in your body to make it better? Are you going to prehab before joint surgery and really working at it? Are you putting in more effort to get back the range of motion after joint surgery?

What about eating better? What have you done to improve your meals? Those herbs we take as supplements can be effective when used in cooking as well.

If you want specific results, you have to invest the time and effort. Everyone can be average, and that’s fine because it helps our health and quality of life. But as we all age with a vengeance, who wants to be average? Average aging means impaired in some way the older we get. What if it could be better? More on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: https://www.sho.com/titles/3506971/nyc-point-gods