Tag Archive for: migraine

The Simplest Solution for Migraines

Let’s continue with the theme of the simplest solution often being the correct one. Migraines are a devastating form of headache. While most causes are unknown, people have identified triggers from chocolate to sounds to odors and more. My pretend daughter Jamie suffers from them on a regular basis.

As I researched how to deal with migraine headaches years ago, I found a pilot study that examined whether subjects could reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines by drinking more fluids. The researchers asked the subjects to drink 1.5 liters of water per day for 12 weeks. The subjects managed to increase their average intake to only one liter per day, but total hours with migraines and the intensity of those migraines decreased.

Will it work for everyone? Most likely not, but because there’s no harm in simply drinking more water every day, it will help those who were unaware that they were dehydrated; that’s not the first cause we think of when we think of migraines. It’s worth spending a month drinking more water to see if it has the same results for you or someone you know. For more potential solutions for migraines, see The Bottom Line on Migraines at the DrChet.com Store.

One more simple solution on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: Eur J Neurol. 2005 Sep;12(9):715-8.