Tag Archive for: laxative

The End of Constipation

I had a question recently about the difference between a laxative such as Miralax and fiber. While they’re both safe, there are similarities and there are differences.

They are similar in that they draw fluid into the intestines. Miralax uses chemicals while fiber uses plant sources; both draw fluid into the gut to soften the stool.

Where they’re different is that fiber can help two more ways. It can add bulk to the stool to aid in transport and be used as a prebiotic and feed the probiotics or good microbes. And if those microbes are fed better, they work better.

If you have a chronic issue with constipation, time to check in with your healthcare provider. If it’s an occasional issue, as can affect us all, check out this Health Info titled The Constipation Solution. It has worked well for both adults and children.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet