Tag Archive for: habits

Another Year of Wearing Masks?

“What do you think? Will we be wearing masks another year?” That’s the question that someone asked me at the health club. I shrugged and said “Maybe. But you know in reality, it isn’t all that bad. My grandson’s kindergarten class wears masks all day, and they seem to manage just fine.” He agreed it wasn’t a problem.

He then went on: “I think it makes you pay more attention. One thing I’ve noticed is that there doesn’t seem to be as much flu this year so far.”

He went on to say, “You know, I clean the machines before I work out and again after I work out. In the past, we were supposed to clean them when we were done, which I did. But I’m just taking the extra step like they ask and clean it before I use it. I bet that makes a difference.” I told him I agree.

I’ve thought about it for a couple of days, but I’m not clairvoyant so I have no idea how much longer we’ll be wearing masks. I don’t think it would be all that bad if we got into the habit of using masks in public, social distancing a little, washing our hands, and cleaning public surfaces before touching them. We would reduce the risk of catching all infectious diseases. The following years’ flu seasons would be easier, and you can’t spread it if you don’t get it.

Just like the guy in the health club said, I think changing our habits would really make a difference. If we did, we just might find that stay-at-home mandates are a thing of the past. How great would that be?

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Rule 2: Eat Better

The New Year is the time for beginning new habits. Some people, maybe most people, like to clean sweep old habits, flush things out, and start over. Look at the Internet ads about detoxing and cleansing: you can cleanse your system with programs that cost hundreds of dollars, using herbs no one has ever heard of, and end up spending hours in the bathroom.

Or you can simply eat better. That’s the objective of Real-Life Detox. There are foods that can help the detoxification system . . .

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