Tag Archive for: expectations

How to Live Every Day

“What’s the point of being alive if you can’t really live?”

That’s what a colleague and I arrived at when discussing the purpose of a program we’re working on, but it speaks to each and every one of us. To be living every day we’re alive. I suspect one of the reasons we limit our future is that we can’t see the best version of ourselves that’s possible. We let current limitations set our future expectations. That’s just wrong.

No matter our age, we should try to be the best version of ourselves. This is especially important as we get older. What we do or don’t do today will dictate our ability to really live one, five, or even 20 years from now—physically, mentally, emotionally. The ability to live each and every day until it’s time to check out.

The October Memos are going to provide the latest research on how to be the best version of yourself both now and in the future. In other words, the how. We all start with some challenges, some more severe than others, and we may face more in the future. But you can be better than you are today; you just have to believe it. That’s lesson one: believe it’s possible.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet