Tag Archive for: essential amino acids

Protein in the 21st Century

The results of the study seemed to be definitive: animal sources of protein yield more absorption of essential amino acids (EAAs). The reason the researchers undertook the study was that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 (DGA) uses the term “ounce equivalencies” when describing protein sources. From the DGA: one ounce equivalent equals one ounce of meat, one whole egg, a quarter cup of beans, or a half ounce of nuts. The researchers question whether those sources are actually nutritionally about the same. As you can probably guess, they’re not.

Defining Equivalency

The researchers demonstrated that on an equal weight basis, those categories of foods are not equivalent on the net absorption of EAAs. When looking at the EAA breakdown of each food on the USDA Food Central Database, they are not equivalent at the same weight in EAAs or in any category. The calories are not the same per serving, the fat content is all over the place, and animal sources of food contain no fiber.

I think that both the USDA and the research group would be better served by using the word standardized, but that’s not really enough, either: it must be standardized to a specific nutrient or category. If one were to standardize to EAAs, then pork, beef, chicken, lamb, and every other animal would make the list, but plant-based products would not unless the serving size were different. Both beans and almonds have EAAs, but the portion sizes would be different and so would the calories and other nutrients.

A Better Idea

We don’t live at the turn of the last century or the 1930s; we have the technology today to use protein powders and EAAs in powder form as an addition to the foods we eat. There’s no reason we can’t add more protein as our protein needs change with our age without adding the fat and cholesterol that come with animal protein. Whether you prefer animal-based protein such as whey or plant-based protein such as soy, rice, hemp, or pea protein, you can increase the amount you get every day based on your needs. The amounts you need may vary, but 25 grams of protein is a good place to begin.

To avoid any discrepancy in the EAA content between plant and animal sources, use a product that specifically contains EAAs. They’re individual amino acids that do not have to be broken down as proteins do, and they’re absorbed faster. In this case, an additional 10 grams per day is a good place to begin.

The Bottom Line

I think the focus on protein is good at any age because we’re still a carb-centric society. If everyone would just follow the DGA instead of the modern adaptation we’ve concocted over the years, everyone would end up healthier. But we do love our Cheetos and chocolate truffles, so the teaching continues. Just remember: Make every bite count!

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

1. Nutrients, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15132870
2. https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/

Best Protein Sources: Animals or Plants?

Protein quality is integral to our health at any age and even more as the years go by. We think of protein as it relates to muscle, but there are many other uses for protein in our body: bones, skin, hair, and the hemoglobin in your blood—virtually every body part or tissue. Then there is the proteome; we make at least 10,000 different proteins to help the body do what it does. Insulin is just one example of such a protein. Your ability to make proteins is dependent on making sure you have enough protein intake on a regular basis.

Today there is more emphasis on obtaining nutrients such as protein from plant-based sources. The question is this: do we get the same amount of essential amino acids (EAA) from both animal and plant-based sources of protein? Researchers decided to compare the absorption of essential amino acids from four sources of protein, two animal and two plant-based.

Researchers recruited subjects from two different age groups: 22–39 and 55–75. The subjects ate the same exact caloric and macronutrient meal on four different occasions with one of the following added: two ounces of cooked pork, scrambled eggs, canned black beans (rinsed), or raw almonds. Then the EAA content of their blood was tested for the next five hours.

The EAA absorption in descending order was pork, eggs, black beans, and almonds; the subjects’ bodies absorbed at least twice as much EAA from animal sources than plant-based sources. There was no difference in EAA absorption between age groups. A few questions remain, and I’ll answer those on Saturday.

Tomorrow night’s Insider conference call will include more about EAAs and a self-experiment on ultra-processed foods. You can also get your questions answered if you become an Insider before 8 p.m. Eastern tomorrow night. I hope to see you then.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: Nutrients, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15132870

Should You Increase Your Essential Amino Acids?

The question from Tuesday was this: how did the essential amino acids affect the transgenic tau mice on the low-protein and normal-protein diets? The addition of EAA to the transgenic mice on either diet appeared to neutralize the impact of the genetic mutation. The brain scans appeared to mimic the scans of the control mice fed either type of diet. There were positive changes in the genes impacted by the EAA supplementation as well as on neurotransmitters and other biochemicals.

Before we get too excited, a couple of facts.

Mice Are Not Humans

The results of this study are exciting when we consider brain health, but this was a study on rodents—the applicability to us as humans may be limited. What is encouraging is that when the same research group did a study on humans with EAAs, they found improvement in attention and cognitive flexibility. They’re now doing a study specific to the aging brain in human subjects similar to this one on rodents. It will be interesting to see what happens when it’s published.

EAAs Are Not All Equal

The EAA blend in this study was slightly different than what is typically offered. The company providing the EAAs for the study included high amounts of phenylalanine, almost the same amount as leucine which seems to always be found in the highest amount. Does that make a significant difference? Phenylalanine is important in the manufacture of signaling proteins. Might that be important for neurological benefits? We just don’t know yet. On top of that, there’s a small percentage of people with a genetic inability to process phenylalanine very well, so they would probably have to avoid higher amounts.

The Bottom Line

While this research update is interesting, there’s still a lot to learn about the use of EAAs for neurological benefit. I’ll keep an eye on it.

However, the research on EAAs and increasing muscle is solid; there’s little question about the benefit of keeping protein intake higher to retain muscle mass as we age. The critical factor is to be consistent, because digestive issues and satiety issues can sometimes derail good intentions. If it helps our brains as well, that’s a bonus at this point.

Tomorrow is the last day of the 25% off sale on Supplementing Your Diet as either a download for yourself or CDs to share with others, and that’s in addition to Member and Insider discounts.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: Science Advances. Oct 2021. (7) 43. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd5046

New Research Links EAAs and Brain Function

I’ve talked about essential amino acids in the past as it relates to increasing muscle mass in those of us 50 and older. A recently published study may give us another reason for taking essential amino acids: it may reduce, delay, and perhaps reverse neurological signs of dementia.

To understand the research, you have to know about tau: it’s a structural protein found in nerve cells that help stabilize them, and deterioration of tau is associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers in Japan examined the response to normal and reduced protein intake both with and without supplemental essential amino acids in mice susceptible to developing high levels of tau (rTg4510 mice) along with control mice. They used a variety of tests to determine outcomes including brain scans, biochemical analysis, and genetic expression.

Because the data from the brain scans are so visual, they’re the easiest to assess. In the controls, there was very little impact of the 5% versus 20% protein diet in the cortical area. However, in the tau mice, there was evidence of decline in brain matter with normal protein intake, but the decline was much greater in those with reduced protein intake.

We’ll examine the impact of supplementation with essential amino acids in Saturday’s memo. One thing is certain: it’s important to increase protein intake to at least 20% of calories as we get older. Regardless of your age, it might be a good idea to monitor your protein intake by all sources this week.

Reminder: you have the rest of this week to take advantage of the 25% off sale on Supplementing Your Diet as either a download for yourself or CDs to share with others, and that’s in addition to Member and Insider discounts.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: SCIENCE ADVANCES. Oct 2021. (7) 43. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd5046

Aging with a Vengeance and Your Proteome

This year’s Super Bowl Webinar focused on aging with a vengeance—becoming the best version of yourself, no matter your age. The study we just reviewed on the proteome suggests that the people were healthier who were biochemically younger than their actual age. Here are the actions I believe can help at the three critical phases of aging that were identified in proteome study. As I find out more, I’ll be more specific.

31 to 37

If you have weight to lose, now is the time to lose it. Take it from me and my decades of experience with weight loss programs: it becomes more difficult the older you get. Find a way to eat that will maintain a reduced body weight and stick with it.

Reduce your protein intake. That may seem a little odd, but this is a time to focus on vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and quality oils.

Focus on your cardiovascular system by doing aerobic exercise on a regular basis. Use interval training to make the most of your time, and when you’re fit enough, you can add high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to your routine.

57 to 63

The kind of 80- to 85-year-old you’re going to be is dependent on what you do now. If you haven’t achieved a normal body weight, that’s a high priority just as it was in the prior age group. I know how difficult this is because it’s eluded me throughout my life; I lost a lot of weight and kept it off for years, but I’d still like to weigh less.

Increase protein intake to 1–1.5 grams per kilogram body weight per day.

Supplement your diet with essential amino acids. While the amounts are still not absolutely clear from the research, 10–20 grams per day is a good goal.

If you’re not already doing so, add weight training to your exercise routine. Start with using your own body weight, then add exercise tubes or light weights, and then use machines or free weights. Now is the time to retain or even increase your muscle mass.

75 and Older

If you haven’t achieved a normal body weight, there’s still time. My wonderful mother-in-law lost a significant amount of weight at this age, and she was an overweight diabetic in a wheelchair.

Increase protein intake to 1.5–2 grams per kilogram body weight per day. It’s difficult because appetite decreases and protein makes us feel full. It will help reduce the muscle loss that’s happening.

Supplement your diet with essential amino acids; the amounts are still between 10–20 grams per day.

Add weight training to your exercise routine. It will help you to retain or even increase your muscle mass. Stay within any orthopedic or other limitations, and get some help if you need to, but do it. Your primary caregiver will probably be glad to refer you to a physical therapist who can get you started safely.

The Bottom Line

For all that’s been written about healthy aging, we still don’t know very much. Healthy aging begins the day we are born, but we realize that only when it dawns on us that we’re aging. No matter your age, no matter your current state of health, it can be better. You can learn more in the replay of this year’s Super Bowl Webinar, but it will be available for only a little while longer.

The simple things I’ve talked about in this Memo are a beginning. When I know more, so will you. Inevitably, it comes back to a single question:

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: Nature Medicine. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-019-0673-2

Should You Take Essential Amino Acids Before Surgery?

Tuesday’s study left us with a question: what could explain essential amino acids (EAAs) increasing, or at least preventing, muscle loss after total knee replacement surgery? Fortunately, another study examined those factors by obtaining muscle biopsies and blood before and after surgery.

Researchers recruited 41 patients who were having total knee replacement. After randomly assigning them to placebo or experimental group, the experimental group received 20 grams of EAAs twice daily, beginning seven days prior to surgery, until six weeks after surgery. Those in the placebo group were given nonessential amino acids. Muscle biopsies were collected from all subjects the day of the surgery and again either one or two weeks post-surgery with the determination made randomly. Blood was also collected for analysis at the same times as the biopsies.

The researchers found that the subjects taking the EAAs had a significantly increased amount of satellite cells, also known as muscle stem cells that can develop into muscle cells, compared to the placebo group; the ability to build muscle faster could help the recovery process. IL-6 and TNF-alpha were elevated post-surgery in both groups; however TNF-alpha declined by two weeks post-surgery in the EAAs group, which meant inflammation decreased. Based on the changes in cytokine production, inflammation after surgery decreased faster with EAAs than it did in the placebo group.

The researchers concluded that taking the EAAs seven days before surgery increased satellite cells on the day of surgery and promoted a more favorable inflammatory environment post-surgery. That could mean a quicker recovery from surgery and benefits during post-surgical rehabilitation.

The Bottom Line

While there’s more research necessary, I think the use of EAAs before and after knee replacement surgery is helpful. I would extend that even further; I think that EAAs may ultimately prove to be beneficial before and after any type of surgery. In almost every case, muscle tissue is going to be cut and thus will need to repair itself. We don’t know the benefits of EAAs on other connective tissue such as skin and ligaments, but because we’re targeting the key elements of protein with the EAAs, there’s little to no chance of any harm.

Based on these two studies, I think that 10 to 20 grams, spread out in two doses per day, would be the best approach. One important point: take the EAAs 15 to 30 minutes before eating anything or before working out. Those were the protocols used, and it’s the same that I recommend in Aging with a Vengeance for increasing muscle mass as we age.

I’ll be honest: it tastes weird. But I made sure Paula took EAAs before and after her recent carpal tunnel surgery, so you know I think it’s worth the effort.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: J Appl Physiol (1985). 2019 Aug 1; 127(2): 531–545.

Preventing Muscle Loss

This final installment on muscle focuses on keeping the muscle mass you’ve got. That’s one of the keys to living every day you’re alive: the ability to move at every age. There are three things that are important to hanging onto muscle.

  • Use it or lose it. Actually, you’re going to lose it not matter what, but the degree to which you will is partially dependent on using it. Whenever you can take the stairs, take them. Whenever you can lift something, lift it. While I would hate it personally, it was better when we had to get up and actually walk to the television to change the channel. More today than ever, we don’t take the opportunity to build muscle or increase stamina.
  • Exercise regularly. No matter your age, there’s always something you can do. Orthopedic issues happen as we get older—arthritis in hands, shoulders, hips, and knees, or torn ligaments and cartilages. They can all put limitations on what we can do. We have to work within those restrictions and do as much as we can to maintain and even increase what we have. A session with an excellent physical therapist (ask your doctor if you qualify for some free sessions) or certified personal trainer could be worth the money. It’s never too late to begin. Research has shown that even people over 100 years old can increase strength and stamina.
  • Consider taking essential amino acids every day. While the focus has been on what EAAs can do for people who train hard, the bulk of the research has been done on people 50 and older. It’s clear you can slow down muscle loss and increase muscle strength by exercising regularly and taking EAAs every day. I’ve been taking them the days I lift, but I’m considering taking them every day. In continuing to research the benefits, there doesn’t seem to be a downside to taking EAAs. There’s some preliminary research that indicates that taking EAAs may even be beneficial for pre-diabetics to reduce insulin levels and triglycerides if they exercise regularly as well.

The purpose for the month’s Memos is showing you how to learn to live every day you’re alive. Muscle is critical to that goal. We’ll move on to another important physical component of living next week.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Essential Amino Acids for Older Adults

One of the issues we all face as we get older is the loss of muscle mass; the technical term is sarcopenia. While some of the loss can be attributed to declining hormone levels as well as the decline in physical activity, we tend to eat less protein as we get older. Less protein intake means less muscle and other protein synthesis.

Researchers in Japan wanted to see if increases in muscle mass were related to protein intake, specifically EAAs. Instead of jumping right into supplementing with EAAs, they recruited 10 older men with a mean age of 69 and gathered nutritional information using a three-day dietary record. They put the men on a progressive weight training program, lifting three days per week for 12 weeks.

All men gained muscle mass, about one pound of muscle per leg. In analyzing the diet, the average protein intake was 99 grams of protein per day with 37 grams from EAAs. What they found was that those men with higher EAA intake, especially leucine, had a greater increase in muscle mass. It was even better if they had the EAAs with their breakfast.

This was a small preliminary study that examined current food intake with no intervention other than exercise. It may indicate that in order to be efficient at adding muscle mass, EAAs are important in older adults. What does this mean for you if you’re in that age group or an athlete wanting to add muscle mass? I’ll let you know on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: J Nutr Sci vitaminol (Tokyo). 2017;63(6):379-388. doi: 10.3177/jnsv.63.379.


Essential Amino Acids: The Basics

I’ve been getting many questions about essential amino acids lately. What are they? Why do I need them? Are they only for athletes? What can they do for me? In addition, I came across an interesting study that supports the use of EAAs in a specific population.

The EAAs include the amino acids phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, lysine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They’re essential because we can’t make them, but we can make other amino acids from these EAAs. In addition, three of the EAAs are designated as branch chain amino acids (BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine, and valine; they’re known as protein-building amino acids and important for building muscle.

Think of the EAAs as the rate-limiting amino acids. If we don’t have enough of them, we can’t make the other amino acids and thus, every protein made in the body can be affected. We often think only in terms of muscle, but the lack of EAAs could affect the manufacture of insulin, human growth hormone, leptin, and adiponectin to name just a few.

BCAAs have been marketed to athletes who are training to make muscle for years. Recently, EAAs have entered the arena because of their ability to make proteins that support muscle building. But that’s not the only group that may benefit as a recent study demonstrated. I’ll cover that on Thursday.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet