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Special Memo: 28 Years!

Paula and I are celebrating our 28th wedding anniversary today. Yep, the photo is our wedding picture from 1990—a couple of crazy kids (in their late 30s) vowing to tackle life together. It’s been a great experience, through more good times than not. In the movie As Good as It Gets, Jack Nicholson says one of the great lines in cinema: “You make me want to be a better man.” I can’t say that I would ever come up with something as profound as that, but I can say that you want a partner who can help you be better than you are. I am, and it’s due to sharing the past 28 years with Paula.

Paula adds: “We’ve always accepted each other as we are. That makes marriage a lot less ‘work’ than if you go into it wanting to remake each other—although I did get him to change his hairstyle.”


Thanks for being a regular reader and for sharing our celebration of 28 years together.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet