Tag Archive for: cholesterol

Why Do Statins Fight with Grapefruit?

One of the most complicated medication-food interactions is grapefruit and statins, the popular cholesterol-lowering drug. The goal of this Memo is to make sense of the research to date by answering a couple of questions.

Before I begin, let me briefly explain how a statin works. One of the many enzymes required to produce cholesterol in the body is called HMG CoA reductase. In fact, it’s the rate-limiting enzyme; it controls how much cholesterol is made. Interfere with the enzyme, and you can block the production of cholesterol. That’s what most types of statins do; they block HMG CoA reductase, thus limiting the amount of cholesterol made. If your cholesterol is too high, it goes down.

How Does Grapefruit Juice Interact with Statins?

While this is some complicated biochemistry, let’s see if I can explain it simply. There’s a series of naturally occurring enzymes produced in the small intestine called CYP 450 3A4 that modifies the statin before it’s released into the bloodstream; it controls the amount and the form of the statin that gets into your body. Grapefruit juice contains phytonutrients that interfere with the CYP 450 3A4 action, letting more of the statin get into the bloodstream more quickly. Rather than fighting, it was more of a case of helping too much.

Is that good or is it bad? The research never really specifies. The logical expectation is that it would lower cholesterol too much or because it’s not in the correct form, maybe not enough. I couldn’t find an answer to that question. The original research on grapefruit juice began in the late 1980s and seemed to end about 2004. Since then, the recommendation is if you take a statin, no grapefruit juice.

What Is the Real Concern with the Interaction?

This question perplexed me for years, but I finally found an answer: with too much of the statin available due to the interference of the phytonutrients with the CYP 450 3A4, the overabundance could lead to an increased risk of rhabdomyolysis, a breakdown of muscle tissue. Muscle pain is a frequent side effect of taking statins, so the concern makes sense. The problem is that it was never really tested in any research I could find.

On top of that, the primary studies on grapefruit juice and statins used double-strength grapefruit juice in high amounts and a high dose of statins in healthy subjects. Yes, they found that the statin levels increased. But no other measures were checked such as impact on cholesterol production or markers of muscle damage. That was the state of research for the past decade.

What If You Wanted to Boost Your Statin?

In a recently published review paper, researchers theorized on the impact of grapefruit juice on cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease. They found that if a statin such as simvastatin was taken at the same time as grapefruit juice, it increased the absorption 260% but if taken 12 hours apart, absorption was up only 90%. With atorvastatin, the increase was 80% no matter when the grapefruit juice was taken.

Calculating the effect on benefits and hazards, when simvastatin or lovastatin are taken at the same time as grapefruit juice, the estimated reduction in LDL cholesterol is 48%, and therefore, the decrease in heart disease is 70%. If the juice is taken 12 hours before these statins, the reductions are, respectively, 43% and 66%. For atorvastatin, the reduction in LDL cholesterol is 42% and in reducing the risk of CVD by 66% (1). Without the grapefruit juice, the reduction in LDL cholesterol is 37% with a decrease in risk of CVD of 61%.

This paper uses published data from many studies to perform these calculations. It doesn’t change the message in their conclusions. The benefits from the additional reduction in cholesterol may be worth the slight risk of rhabdomyolysis, but that doesn’t mean you’ll find any change in the grapefruit juice recommendation any time soon. But at least you now know the issues and why grapefruit is not the demon it’s been made out to be.

The Bottom Line

It’s important to understand that the drug, the statin, is the abnormal thing here, not the fruit. It doesn’t seem to make any sense to modify properties of a healthy diet just to be able to take a medication. But we live in the real world. Until the pharmaceutical industry can find a way to make medications that can help us and work with a healthy diet, be prudent. If you take a statin, talk with your cardiologist about finding a way to fit citrus in your diet. You may have to limit the amount or limit the times of day you eat or drink grapefruit, but as long as the net effect is getting your lipid levels in the desirable range, there has to be a way, especially since most statins should be taken at bedtime. The research is far from clear, so it’s a case by case basis.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.07.036.


PQQ: Miracle in a Bottle

The latest cure for your health problems has arrived. I know—I just watched the online infomercial. Or do they call it advertainment now?

It was presented by a cardiologist who is well respected in his field. The topic was arterial inflammation, AKA the cardiac killer, and what you could do about it. I was in.

What I saw were the “facts” about heart disease. Using an artist printing and drawing on a whiteboard with a voice over, I learned:

  • Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, the number one killer.
  • The Framingham Study gave . . .

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Raising HDL: Weight Loss

Before I finish up this week’s look at HDL cholesterol, I want to wish every mother a Happy Mother’s Day. I hope it’s a great day with your children.

The number one way to increase HDL cholesterol is to lose weight. Losing fat helps increase HDL levels while simultaneously lowering LDL cholesterol. We still don’t know precisely why, but there’s really nothing debatable about it.

I’ll give you my theory of why weight loss helps raise HDL cholesterol. In order to lose weight, you have to eat less and/or move more; more than . . .

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Raising HDL: Exercise

For many years—even back when I was a graduate student—we’ve known that one of the benefits of regular aerobic exercise is increased levels of HDL cholesterol, AKA the healthy cholesterol. If you want to increase your HDL, you should exercise regularly.

There are still many questions that need to be answered. What is the best type of exercise: aerobic or resistance training? How intense does the exercise have to be? Is walking intense enough or does it have to be faster? There are more questions, but you get the idea.

The reason we don’t know is . . .

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Why You Should Raise Your Cholesterol

Would you like to have a vacuum cleaner that sucks out the cholesterol from the plaque in your arteries? You would? Well, all right! That vacuum cleaner is called HDL-cholesterol, AKA the good or the healthy cholesterol. The problem is that most people, especially men, don’t have enough. Before we get to ways you can improve it, let me explain how it works as simply as possible.

HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein and indicates that the molecule is denser than other lipoproteins such as LDL. Adding the word cholesterol means that it carries cholesterol. The question is . . .

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Health Habits: Just Do Better

Let’s finish up our look at the recent paper that concluded we’re doing poorly when it comes to our health habits (1). If you thought smoking and exercise were underwhelming, today we’ll look at diet and body fat.

When it comes to following the U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines, just under 38% hit that goal. I’ve talked about this a lot over the years, and this isn’t a debate over what constitutes a good diet. While we are doing somewhat better, adults do not eat enough vegetables, fruits, or beans, and we still . . .

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Why Now?

In the last two messages, I’ve challenged you not to waste the entire month of December before changing to a healthier lifestyle after January 1st. Why now? Why didn’t I just wait until the New Year when everyone is “ready”? Maybe the latest report from the CDC will put things in perspective.

Researchers from the CDC and Emory University analyzed data from NHANES studies conducted between 2005 and 2012. They were interested in finding out how many people with high LDL cholesterol were taking medication and making lifestyle changes. There were a lot of results reported in the . . .

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Drinking Your Phytonutrients: The Bottom Line

To finish this series, I’ll briefly cover two recent research studies on coffee and tea, and then give you the bottom line and a recipe.
Green Tea and Neuronal Mitochondria
The mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, and that includes brain cells. When they operate at peak activity, they provide our brains with the energy for learning and memory. The downside is that they produce many free radicals in the process, and if we don’t have antioxidants to quench those free radicals, it can cause a decline in mental function. Researchers have recently . . .

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The Battle of Fat vs. Carb

Sometimes I just can’t let go. Such is the case with this diet debate of fat versus carbohydrate. I’m going to address both of these questions this week. It won’t end the debate, but at least you’ll have the facts.

The debate comes down to two separate but related questions:

  • Does a diet high in saturated fat contribute to heart disease?
  • Is the high-carbohydrate and low-fat diet recommended by the USDA the cause of the obesity epidemic?

Let’s begin with scientific evidence that a high-fat diet . . .

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Keeping Track of Life’s Simple 7

To complete American Heart Month, here’s an easy way to track your heart health called Life’s Simple 7 (LS7), developed by the American Heart Association. LS7 has been around since 2010 but it escaped my attention until recently. For those of you who like to track your progress to see how you’re doing, this is a great tool; you may remember I mentioned it last month, but I think you need the details to really understand how LS7 can work for you.

There are seven different categories of variables to track, hence the name Life’s Simple . . .

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