Tag Archive for: cancer

Curcumin Research

Curcumin is fast becoming one of the most researched phytonutrients in the world. As evidence, in 2000, there were about 100 papers published on curcumin; in 2015, there were 1,100 papers published. And in the first quarter of this year, there were over 400 papers published. Why all the attention on this yellow phytonutrient?

I mentioned the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities on Tuesday. The focus of a lot of research is for curcumin’s use as a potential cancer treatment and preventive for Alzheimer’s disease. Most of these are test-tube studies. Researchers are trying to examine . . .

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The Bottom Line on the Latest Sucralose Study

“Sucralose causes cancer.”

“Sucralose prevents cancer.”

You’ve got to be confused when you read those recent headlines about the same research study! You read or listen to my messages because you want to know what I dig out of the original research to get past the confusion. Well, let’s get to it.


The Data

The data were messy (1). When you look at the numbers in the table that reported the incidences of cancers, the patterns were not clear. Using the data on the male mice, the incidence of cancers went . . .

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Does Sucralose Prevent Cancer?

After Tuesday’s message, I’m sure that you were reading labels and getting ready to throw out foods that contain sucralose based on that single study (1). I’d wait a while, at least until I get finished reviewing this study. Today let’s take a look at another headline that says sucralose prevents cancer in some mice (2). This was an article written by Emily Willingham, a regular contributor to Forbes. She did what I usually do: read the actual research paper and then check out the claims the authors made. I’ve read it, but . . .

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Sucralose: A Tale of Two Headlines

One of my biggest complaints about health news is science by headline. Over the weekend, the headlines exploded with the news that in a recently published study, sucralose caused cancer! You know that’s going to catch my attention. Artificial sweeteners are part of the third-rail of health topics that include GMOs, soy, and vaccinations. What made this so interesting was that there was another headline based on the same study that said sucralose reduced the rate of cancer. That’s what we’re going to talk about this week.

Let’s start with the “sucralose causes cancer” headlines . . .

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Processed Meat and Cancer: The Science

In response to the headlines about processed foods and colorectal cancer, I decided to look at some of the research on cancer and colorectal cancer. Rather then write a long drawn-out article, I’m going to give you the bottom line on what I found.

  • The risk of getting any type of cancer in a lifetime is one in two for men and one in three for women (1). The lifetime risk of getting colon cancer is 4.84% for men and 4.49% for women. If the risk is an average of 18% higher by eating . . .

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Processed Meat and Cancer: The Headlines

Processed Meat Causes Cancer! That was the type of headline that dominated the Internet news sites, newspapers, and local and network news. One very well known nutrition expert wrote this comment:

The just-released report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer judging processed meat as clearly carcinogenic and red meat as probably carcinogenic has caused consternation among meat producers and consumers.

Note the verbiage that says processed meat is clearly carcinogenic. More about that in a minute. California just announced it’s considering adding processed meat to the . . .

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Exercise and Chemotherapy

The last study on exercise I’m going to look at this week examines the possibility of using exercise as training before chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy drugs are toxic to the body. The closer they can be designed for cancer cells without harming normal cells, the better, but we haven’t advanced to the point where that’s possible in every case. One chemotherapy, doxorubicin, is highly effective for some cancers, but it’s toxic to the heart. Researchers split a group of rats into three groups. One remained sedentary, one was allowed to run on a running wheel in their cage . . .

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Exercise and Breast Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment isn’t for wimps. Surgery can be difficult as can radiation treatment. But of all the common treatments that really seem to knock people for a loop, chemotherapy is tops. Nausea. Fatigue. Hair loss. Fortunately, there are some medications that can help with those side effects, but one of the things that may help the most is exercise. Let’s take a look at a study published just this month.

Researchers in Germany put women undergoing chemotherapy on a weight-training program, an endurance program, or continued with standard care that included neither. They were interested in how . . .

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Drinking Your Phytonutrients: Tea of Any Color

Summer is here and with it, iced tea seems to be a staple drink. It gave me the idea to do a series on the phytonutrients we can get from our beverages. Getting people to eat vegetables can take some time, but everyone wants a cool drink in the summer and hot drink in the winter. This week is all about tea, coffee, and the latest research on both.

Let’s begin with tea from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. Based on world-wide statistics, black tea is consumed by 72% of the population while 36% drink green tea. Obviously . . .

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The Truth About Sunscreen!

In today’s message, I’m going to examine the science behind the article on sunscreen that started this week’s look at reposting websites. There are three primary research findings used in the article that are supposed to blow the lid off the myth of sunscreen preventing cancer. Let’s take a look.
“Avoiding the sun doubles all-cause mortality”
This research finding is taken from an epidemiological study done at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute titled the Melanoma in Southern Sweden Study or MISS (1). The data does show that over 20 years in a group of close to . . .

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