Tag Archive for: body’s infrastructure

Improving Your Body’s Infrastructure

We need to plant our trees before we want the shade and fix our systems before they break.

I read that quote from Seth Godin in his daily blog last week, and it spoke to me. I immediately emailed him and explained it embodied what I want to teach you, my readers, on how to approach health; I wanted to use it giving him the attribution. He said no need and good luck.

My goal is to focus on lifestyle changes to make us the best version of ourselves. It’s much easier to prevent disease than treat it. It’s critical to make all our bodily systems as strong as they can be to prevent them from breaking down. It’s amazing that we will change the oil and filter in our car and replace furnace filters to make sure our car and home systems work well, but we don’t think of the food we eat as critical to making sure every system in our body works correctly and we don’t prioritize our annual check-ups.

What systems of yours need repair, tune-up, or preventive maintenance? I’ve given a lot of thought on that for my body, and I’ll share those thoughts with you Saturday. Feel free to share yours with me by replying to this memo; maybe you’ve thought of something I haven’t. It’s time to get our body’s infrastructure prepared for the health challenges we most assuredly will face.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet