Dr. Chet’s Health Memos
If it’s in the health news today, I’ll be writing about it as soon as I read the research, both old and new. With my email Health Memos, you’ll know more about making lifestyle choices that will help you get and keep good health. These free, concise updates on health are emailed to subscribers twice a week. Subscribe today and get a free MP3, in English or Spanish, of Dr. Chet’s Top Ten Tips—Small Changes for a Healthier Life.
Classic: Type III Error
You know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for you, right? I tell you that all the time because that’s what the research indicates. But according to an editorial piece in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), maybe we’ve been wrong all this time (1)—at least as it relates to reducing our […]
Classic: Vitamin Dumb
As Paula and I visit our son and his wife this week, I’m choosing what I call Dr. Chet’s Classics. This one from 2010 illustrates two points. First, mega-dosing vitamins and minerals can have consequences that someone might not expect, and “if some is good, more has to be better” is not a good idea […]
Men, Their Microbiome, and Infertility
What role does a man’s microbiome play in infertility? Maybe a lot more than we thought. There are many more factors that affect fertility, with more studies published every day, but this week’s posts have focused on the microbiome. We’ll finish with a study on men. Researchers examined the sperm of men who contributed semen […]
Your Oral Microbiome and Infertility
Is there a relationship between the health of your teeth and your ability to conceive? Yes, and in today’s message, I’ll give you the latest research to come to that conclusion. This week’s messages provide insight into some of the health issues surrounding infertility. It’s also a kick-off of the second edition of my Healthy […]
How Your Microbiome Affects Infertility
Many couples struggle with infertility; they want to start a family but time passes with no results. This week, I’ll cover three recent studies that examine some factors that may affect fertility. Researchers tested the fluids from the cervical-vaginal area in 96 subjects to examine the microbiome: were there any differences in the microbes in […]
Pop Quiz on Fake Health News
In last week’s posts, I gave you six questions to evaluate fake health news. Did I forget to say there’d be a quiz? Below are three stories that you’ve sent me to check out. If you click on the link, it will take you to the story. As I take the rest of the week […]
The Bottom Line on Fake Health News
The final questions about checking fake health news completely depend on you—what you know and what your gut tells you. Let’s take a look: 5. Does it match your prior knowledge? We all come to the table with a certain amount of knowledge. When it comes to health, it may be from a high school […]
When and Who: Spotting Fake Health News
Let’s continue our look at how to check health news that you aren’t sure is real or fake. I hope you’ve had a chance to read the article by Stephen Hedley; if not, click the reference below to see what he taught his fifth grade class. One of my readers said he passed the article […]
Spotting Fake Health News
Would you like to know whether a health news story is fake? Should you be worried and stop eating the deadly food they’ve identified? On the other hand, should you be excited? You know, if you do this one thing, you can lose your belly fat, or this exotic fruit prevents Alzheimer’s disease! This week […]
Sleep More and Quit Eating Sooner
Sleep more, eat the same, and lose weight. Seriously? That’s what researchers are going to try to find out. At this point, there’s little question that for most people, lack of sleep messes with the circadian rhythms and negatively impacts glucose metabolism. But a different research team is looking at another element: how long you […]