Dr. Chet’s Health Memos

If it’s in the health news today, I’ll be writing about it as soon as I read the research, both old and new. With my email Health Memos, you’ll know more about making lifestyle choices that will help you get and keep good health. These free, concise updates on health are emailed to subscribers twice a week. Subscribe today and get a free MP3, in English or Spanish, of Dr. Chet’s Top Ten Tips—Small Changes for a Healthier Life.

Jane Austen's World

Nothing Else Matters

“Where health is at stake, nothing else should be considered.”             Jane Austen’s Emma Health today is a serious matter. My observation is that we spend a lot of time worrying, maybe even obsessing, about our health; this is not to be confused with disease. If we have a serious medical condition that requires treatment, […]


What Would You Invest in a Healthier Diet?

Would you eat more vegetables and fruit if your health insurance paid for it? How about an overall healthier diet that also included whole grains, nuts and seeds, fish, and healthy oils? Would you eat healthier if it didn’t cost you more? Researchers from Tufts and Harvard examined the potential cost and benefits of subsidizing […]


Too Fat to Get Sick?

Once in a while, a health news story makes you do a double-take and say, “Did I just read what I thought I read?” The legislature in West Virginia passed a bill to delay the implementation of water safety guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency for two years. They’re allowing delays in the restriction of […]


What Do Tests Tell Us?

Based on last week’s push-up challenge, many of you have emailed me to let me know how you did. No matter how many or how few push-ups you did, it’s a start that can help you increase your muscular strength and stamina. All you have to do is to continue to do them as part […]


Drop and Give Me 41

The study on firefighters, push-ups, and CVD was interesting—not only for the relationship between push-ups and CVD, but also for the other relationships between the number of push-ups and other variables. Here’s a summary: As the number of push-ups increased: Body mass index decreased Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased Blood sugar decreased Total cholesterol, […]


Push-Ups and CVD

On Tuesday, I asked you to see how many push-ups you can do before you can’t do any more (if you’re fit enough with no real orthopedic issues). How did you do? I have torn biceps in both arms, but I managed to eke out 21. But you may be wondering why I asked you […]


Once a Year, No Matter What!

I was in the gym locker room recently when I heard a guy ask a question: “Can I use any locker or are they assigned?” I turned to see if he was talking to me, but another guy told him there were no assigned lockers and to use whatever is open. That’s when the locker […]


Dealing with Keto Breath and Other Odors

Quick question: what side effect do you typically assign to eating asparagus? I bet you took less than a second to come up an answer: a different odor to your urine, sometimes quite pungent. Asparagus is a cruciferous vegetable with phytonutrients that produce the effect. On Tuesday and Thursday, we looked at digestive problems with […]


Keto: Clearing the Air and Your Colon

The next keto diet issues are still related to the digestive system: excessive gas and constipation. Let’s address the issue of gas first so that maybe the next time you bend over, you won’t have to worry about challenging the strength of your anal sphincter muscles. The protein content of the revised keto diet may […]


The Downsides of Going Keto

News stories about the side-effects of the still-popular ketogenic diet are showing up more frequently, so let’s review those this week and look at what you can do to address the issues while still attempting to stay in ketosis. The first side effect is generally diarrhea. With the newer version of the ketogenic diets, the […]