Dr. Chet’s Health Memos

If it’s in the health news today, I’ll be writing about it as soon as I read the research, both old and new. With my email Health Memos, you’ll know more about making lifestyle choices that will help you get and keep good health. These free, concise updates on health are emailed to subscribers twice a week. Subscribe today and get a free MP3, in English or Spanish, of Dr. Chet’s Top Ten Tips—Small Changes for a Healthier Life.


The Keto Diet and Fiber

More and more people are trying the ketogenic diet. If you do, the directions recommend that you eat plenty of green leafy vegetables for the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and especially the fiber. The problem is that many people cut the carbs from all sources and that includes vegetables. The simplest way to give yourself some […]


Food Is Better Than Supplements, But …

Getting your nutrients from food by eating a healthy diet is the most desirable way of getting vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Period. If we could all do it, no question that’s the best way. But you and I don’t live in some fantasy world. We’re busy. We don’t always have enough time to shop and […]


Food vs. Supplements: A Closer Look

There’s no question National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has done the best job of collecting data on nutritional intake in large-scale studies. I’ve applauded it in the past, and I’m not going to change now just because there’s an NHANES-based paper that critiques the use of supplements. NHANES data were used by one […]


Food vs. Supplements

Last week, the health headlines blared that nutrients from foods were better than nutrients from supplements—specifically that excess calcium from supplements was associated with an increased risk of dying from cancer. That will get your attention if you take supplemental calcium, especially if you’re taking calcium because your physician told you to take it because […]

Supplementing Your Diet

Supplementing Your Diet

Last week, a study was published that concluded that nutrients from food are better than nutrients from supplements. Does that mean you can throw out the supplements and just eat more? Short answer: no. Did you ever notice that one week some vitamin is good for you and the next it’s supposed to be bad […]


Subscriber Update

How are you doing on the push-up challenge? I know some of you have begun with wall push-ups and are continuing to improve. Don’t forget to let me know when you make it. I finally got to 41 myself and continue to try to hit that number. No matter where you began, you can continue […]


Finding Your Health Partners

I finished Thursday’s Memo by saying there may be hope for physicians when dealing with overweight patients. It was another viewpoint written by two clinicians. They say learning about diet and nutrition and how to interact with patients were not priorities in medical school; I’ve confirmed that with physicians I know. The authors put together […]


Respect Yourself

I finished last week by talking about self image: you must accept your body, for better or worse, exactly where it is right now. I used the phrase that you have “to love yourself.” Along with that, you have to respect yourself as well. Maybe that’s even harder to do. Most of us aren’t able […]


Improve Your Body Image

In your mind, do you feel that thin equals healthy? Does how you think you look impact your life? Does it make you think less of yourself? Is there a bodyweight goal that you think will make your life better? You’re not alone. Many women feel that way. So do many men, if the truth […]


Exercise Intuitively

The age of Jane Austen’s England was much different from the current age; going for a two-hour walk seems almost a fantasy in today’s world. Being figuratively chained to a desk or some manner of work that doesn’t provide freedom of movement seems to be the norm. When it’s time to walk, we must accomplish […]