Dr. Chet’s Health Memos

If it’s in the health news today, I’ll be writing about it as soon as I read the research, both old and new. With my email Health Memos, you’ll know more about making lifestyle choices that will help you get and keep good health. These free, concise updates on health are emailed to subscribers twice a week. Subscribe today and get a free MP3, in English or Spanish, of Dr. Chet’s Top Ten Tips—Small Changes for a Healthier Life.


Fasting and Immune Function

Intermittent fasting is the latest health fad. When I say fad, I mean there are as many definitions of what it means as there are experts. In a recent edition of the journal Cell, three papers were published that provided some insight into the effects of three different types of intermittent fasting on three different […]


All Research Matters

As we enter the final holiday of summer, I want to challenge you to listen to a podcast over this long weekend. Before I get to the details about the podcast, I want to tell you why research matters. I spend a considerable amount of time examining nutrition research. If you read what I write, […]


What’s Next?

Riley, our four-year-old grandson, recognizes patterns in daily life. Right now one of his favorite questions is, “What’s next?” Usually, it’s in relation to eating, because he knows after supper, for instance, there’s a gummy vitamin. So during a phone call, an Insider asked me what I’m working on and I immediately pictured Riley and […]


How Methionine Affects Cancer Treatment

If you’ve ever been diagnosed with cancer and you start searching the Internet, one of the things that you’ll come across is using a vegetarian diet to help treat the cancer. I’ve recommended it myself combined with conventional treatment. The question is why? Yes, the phytonutrients from plants are healthier, but is there something in […]


Fearsome Twosome: C. Diff and Clade A

Clostridioides difficile, C. diff for short, is a serious bacterial infection typically acquired after antibiotic treatment in a hospital. Antibiotics disturb the microbiome balance, and as a result, a bacterium that typically may not be a threat becomes one. But C. diff is not just a single bacterium. In a recent paper, researchers from London […]


Should Your DNA Guide Your Diet?

In an opinion piece, a college professor in the U.K. who had written about personalized nutrition wanted to find out whether she should change her diet based on her genetic profile. She decided to send her DNA to Norway for analysis. Her genetic profile indicated that she was at risk for having high cholesterol and […]


Does Exercise Intensity Affect Obesity?

As I wrote on Thursday, exercise intensity did not seem to impact mortality, or death rate, in a large group of older women. Of course, living longer is important to many people. Could exercise intensity provide benefits as it relates to reducing the staggering 40% rate of obesity in the U.S.? Maybe. Let’s look at […]


Is the 10,000-Steps Goal a Myth?

One of the things many people do for fitness is try to get 10,000 steps per day. Researchers recently wanted to know whether that many steps really gives a person any health advantage, because the concept of 10,000 steps per day wasn’t based on any real science—it came from a Japanese company who invented a […]


Readers Report on MSG

Of the dozens of responses to the Memos on MSG, most readers reported the types of symptoms commonly attributed to MSG along with some interesting physical responses. Several people responded that they had always heard to avoid MSG, so they have. I thought one particular comment was interesting: upon looking at the foods that contain […]


Sports for Kids: A Better Way

I hope you took the time to read the Norwegian Children’s Rights in Sport document; if not, please do, especially the Plan for Development. The focus is on making sure the child is safe and secure no matter their abilities. The goal is for all kids to develop the joy of learning sports by having […]