Dr. Chet’s Health Memos
If it’s in the health news today, I’ll be writing about it as soon as I read the research, both old and new. With my email Health Memos, you’ll know more about making lifestyle choices that will help you get and keep good health. These free, concise updates on health are emailed to subscribers twice a week. Subscribe today and get a free MP3, in English or Spanish, of Dr. Chet’s Top Ten Tips—Small Changes for a Healthier Life.
Citations Are Important
When I wrote the first Memo on citrus fruit last week, I omitted part of the date from the citation found at the bottom of every Memo that cites a study or publication. Only a single person noticed. As I wrote in response, sometimes you look at something so many times you don’t see what’s […]
Does Vitamin C Increase Melanoma Risk?
Last week’s Memos on citrus fruits raised an obvious question; one reader mentioned it, so I thought I should write about it. Here’s the question: was vitamin C examined for any possible relationship with the development of melanoma? Yes, but take a look at what the researchers wrote in the set-up for the study. After […]
My Clementine
In doing the background research on whether citrus increases the risk of melanoma enough to be a real concern, there was one more important study that was published this year. The same basic group of researchers who did the original examination of citrus intake in the two large healthcare professional studies added one more component. […]
Are Furocoumarins the Problem?
If you’ve been reading the Memos for any length of time, you know I talk about phytonutrients a lot. They’re chemicals in plants that help the plant protect itself against threats such as bacteria, insects, birds, and anything that wants to eat them—such as humans. You might also believe that all phytonutrients are safe and […]
Does Citrus Increase Melanoma?
I could write about COVID-19 every week, but health is more than dealing with a viral pandemic, and it’s important we don’t neglect other aspects of our health while we try to keep ourselves safe. When the news and developments warrant, I’ll do an audio update so you can download it just like the free […]
Natural ACE-Inhibitors
Perhaps the thought crossed your mind that maybe you could get a prescription for an ACE-inhibitor. Maybe it was fleeting, just a wisp of a thought floating by, but it was there. Remember, a couple of studies do not a treatment make, and connecting dots doesn’t always end with the picture you think it might. […]
Get This Free COVID-19 Audio
The COVID-19 virus is impacting our lives, yet there seems to be a lot of confusion about what is and is not real. That’s why I’ve put together this free download on the COVID-19 virus. I’ve included the answers to questions I’ve gotten and divided them into a logical order. What is the history of […]
What Is ACE?
Angiotensin-converting enzyme—ACE—is the enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II (ANG2). You’re probably thinking, “Well, that clears it up!” Here’s the problem: under the right conditions, ANG2 causes vasoconstriction and sodium and water retention, and the result can be hypertension because the overwhelmed kidneys can’t get rid of sodium or fluids. However, it gets […]
High Blood Pressure and COVID-19
If you have hypertension, commonly called high blood pressure, and you’re taking a medication called an ACE inhibitor (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor), make sure you take it regularly. It may—and I repeat, may—provide some protection against the COVID-19 virus. I’ll spend the rest of the week explaining why, but I want you to have that information […]
Not So Smartphones
Many variables that were included in the smartphone study weren’t reported, and there’s a good reason for that: they were non-significant. I don’t mean not statistically significant—I mean not significant in the real world either. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a study with so many variables that were non-significant. The one that […]