Health Info
If you’re online, you know health information comes in all forms, but it’s not always reliable. You can count on the info you find here to be based on science plus Dr. Chet’s expertise and decades of experience.
Basic Health Info
Much health information is stable, such as BMI and ideal weight, specific types of workouts, or the best diets for heart health. Info like that can be applied to almost everyone, because we could all do a little better, couldn’t we? You’ll find some of the most important types of info on this page, with more being added continually.
Straight Talk on Health
Twice a month a new MP3 on a current health topic is available to Members and Insiders; log in and click here to go to that page. In addition, everyone can listen to Dr. Chet’s podcast Straight Talk on Health covering a wide range of health topics. It’s hosted by WGVU-FM, the Grand Rapids NPR affiliate. You can listen by going to
Now and then Dr. Chet shares healthy recipes, and those are listed below. Some of the recipes may surprise you because they have added sugar or fat. My belief is that the benefit of the vegetables, fruits, or nuts far outweigh the small of amount of sugar or fat used to make them taste better. No one ever said healthy food had to taste bad, and I want you to enjoy eating healthier.
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