Does Exercise Reduce Libido?

A recent health headline said that strenuous exercise reduces a man’s libido. I would propose that nothing gets men’s attention—and probably quite a few women—more than sex. Should you be worried?

Researchers conducted an online survey targeting men that included questions about demographics, exercise habits, and sexual libido. What they found was that as exercise training increased, male libido decreased. The amount of exercise per week, the intensity of the exercise, and the number of years in serious training all seemed to play a factor in libido levels. The more serious their training for longer periods of time, the more affect on their libido.

Here’s the thing: this really applies only to serious marathoners or triathletes that spend over an hour training every day. What should have made headlines is that if men exercise at low or moderate levels, their libido is normal. What they didn’t even hint at was this: moderate exercise can increase energy and the all-important blood flow as well as making men and women feel better about themselves, all positives when we’re talking about libido. There’s nothing sexy about a couch potato.

This headline was based on just a survey with no hormonal measures, but it seems that a brisk walk or jog an hour a day is about right. It all comes down to this:

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet
Reference: MSSE. 2017 Feb 13. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001235

Echinacea and the Immune System

As I write this, there are 1,098 citations in the PubMed database for echinacea. I looked at every title to see if it was relevant to answering one question: should people who have an autoimmune disease use echinacea for allergies and colds? I examined at least 100 abstracts and downloaded five papers that seemed to be significant. Here’s what I found.

The research on echinacea is a mess. There’s no consistency in the preparations used in research, the subjects included in the studies, the outcome variables that were examined, or the combination of herbs, vitamins, or minerals used in the preparations with echinacea. That’s just to find out if echinacea has any effect on catching or treating a cold. Beyond that outcome, the research is even less clear.

I found two studies that give some perspective on whether echinacea is safe for anyone to use including those who have an autoimmune disease. The first paper is a case study on a patient who suffered a breakdown in the myelin sheath after taking an herbal preparation (1). The paper reviewed all similar cases of echinacea causing similar symptoms. Based on their conclusions, boosting the immune system with echinacea could have negative effects.

There are several problems with this case study and the conclusions the authors made. While they assigned blame to echinacea, none of the subjects used echinacea alone nor were they administered the same way. Some were given orally while two others were injections. They did not examine any measures of immune function in the patients. They did not test for metabolites of echinacea nor any other herb in the blood of the subjects. They deduced that echinacea had to be to blame because of its reputation as an immune booster. One more thing: with the millions of uses of echinacea every day around the world, there were just four cases in 16 years. You read that correctly: four in 16 years. Those are pretty good odds.

In another paper, researchers examined the safety of oral preparations of echinacea (2). This was an old-school approach: instead of selecting research papers to include in a meta-analysis, they examined all the pertinent research one article at a time. They used their knowledge of how drugs are metabolized by the body, how they interact with other medications, and many other indications related to the safety of medications including herbals. They concluded that echinacea does not interact with medications to any degree. While it may change how the medication is metabolized, echinacea doesn’t change how effective the medication is.

More important, they concluded that there’s no indication in the science that echinacea is harmful to those with autoimmune diseases. They explain the reasons why physicians have believed echinacea could have consequences, but there was no evidence it was harmful. There was also no time restriction for the use of echinacea. If you have an autoimmune disease, I urge you to download and read the second reference for yourself. It’s open access and while it’s tough reading, it’s the best resource I’ve found on the issue.


The Bottom Line

If you have an autoimmune disease, you must check with your physician before using echinacea; he or she knows the specifics of your condition. Based on my review of the research, there’s no reason you cannot use echinacea to help your immune system when it’s under attack from a virus or allergens for a few days. But that’s not my call to make; there’s always the possibility of an abnormal response or of an allergic reaction to the plant material itself. It’s something you need to talk with your healthcare professional about, but it should be a discussion, not a lecture.

I know you want clear answers, but that’s just not completely possible in this case. What you have now is information with which to make an informed decision.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet
1. Balkan Med J 2016;33:366-9.
2. Planta Med 2016; 82: 17–31.


Immune Boost 1-2-3 Cautions

Someone recently asked an excellent question: “Is there any risk in taking higher amounts of echinacea?” I’ll extend that to include vitamin C, garlic, and probiotics. The answer is possibly. I’m not hedging, but it’s complicated. Let me give you some examples.

One factor that can apply to any supplement is allergies. Echinacea and garlic are plants, and you may be allergic to one of the components of the plant. Instead of reducing your allergic response, it may heighten the response, causing the watery eyes and runny nose you’re trying to avoid. There’s no way to know for sure other than trial and error. If something makes you feel worse, it goes without question that you’ll stop it immediately.

Another potential issue is your genetics; you may process a phytochemical from these plants faster or slower than typical. That means it could be metabolized out of your system before it really has a positive effect or it could take longer to metabolize and stay in your system longer. There are no genetic tests for how you’ll react to any supplement—it’s trial and error.

One other aspect that’s important is whether you take medications. No surprise that there’s incomplete research on the interaction of every plant with every medication, so there’s no way to know how an herb or nutrient will interact with your meds. Garlic may reduce the coagulation of your blood; if you’re on blood thinners, you may not be able to take garlic because it could thin your blood too much. Or you might be able to take it because of your genetics and how you metabolize it. See how complicated it gets?

What you should know is that most people will not have a problem using the 1-2-3 immune boost. If you do, do what any reasonable person would do and stop taking it. On Saturday, I’ll cover the issue of using echinacea if you have an autoimmune disease.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Protect Yourself Before You Travel

Paula’s cousin recently visited friends in Arizona, and after she flew home, she got a fever with all the trimmings of the flu. After last week’s posts on boosting the immune system to deal with colds and allergies, there’s a little more you need to know.

Spring break is right around the corner and if you’re traveling, you need to prepare for it. It’s especially true if you’re going to foreign countries but any time you travel, you should do one more thing besides use the 1-2-3 immune boost approach I gave you last week: take a probiotic supplement with prebiotics every day for a week before you go and every day you’re there.

Your immune system starts in the gut; if your gut is healthy, your immune system will be stronger. Probiotics are the good microbes that help us digest food and do thousands of other things to help our overall health. Prebiotics are the fiber and sugar that feed these bacteria. Adding a probiotic to the 1-2-3 regimen, beginning a week before you travel, will help when you eat foods you don’t normally eat and are exposed to viruses and bacteria that are not in your everyday environment.

After all, the idea is to relax and renew, not be forced to the sidelines.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Immune Boost 1-2-3: Vitamin C

The third part of our immune system boost is vitamin C. Also known as ascorbic acid, it’s best known as an antioxidant. From the research of Linus Pauling until today, vitamin C has been researched extensively. Even though vitamin C hasn’t been proven to prevent a cold, it does seem to reduce the symptoms of a cold. That may be the result of its antioxidant capacity to reduce inflammation.

When the body is exposed to viruses or allergens, the immune response is triggered. That’s desirable, of course, but what we don’t like are the symptoms associated with the response such a watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, and on and on. While the exact mechanism is unknown, what may be happening is that vitamin C may be clearing up the free radicals on immune response cells, thereby allowing them to function better. No one knows but it makes sense.

Take 250–500 mg three times a day. Some people increase their C to 10 times that amount, but my strategy is always to take the lowest amount to get the result I want.

CGE123Let’s summarize our immune boost 1-2-3:

250–500 mg vitamin C; usually 1 tablet
600 mg garlic; usually 2 tablets
500 mg echinacea; usually 3 tablets

Just remember C-G-E-1-2-3; check the label to make sure you have the right strength. Take this combo three times a day until the symptoms are resolved. Whether a virus or seasonal allergies, I’ve found this works best. Of course, genetics may make one immune booster more effective for some people; that’s where trial and error come in.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Immune Boost 1-2-3: Garlic

The second part of our immune boost supplements is garlic. Garlic has been noted to have beneficial properties for over 5,000 years. Garlic thins the blood, thereby benefiting blood pressure, and helps lower cholesterol. Garlic does many things, but what benefits our immunity is its ability to boost the immune system while reducing inflammation.

There is little question that garlic helps the immune system. It’s been used as a dietary treatment to help the immune system recover from chemotherapy; it’s also been used in supplement form to help the immune system get and stay stronger. That’s an obvious way it helps with viruses and allergies, but it also acts as an anti-inflammatory. It’s important to remember that inflammation occurs whenever our body is under attack—not broken-leg inflammation but the release of negative hormones. Garlic helps reduce that type of inflammation.

Just as with echinacea, it’s important to begin as soon as the first tickle occurs. The quantity would be 600 mg taken three times a day. That gets our immune system starting to work better, but there’s one more thing we need. I’ll cover that on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Immune Boost 1-2-3: Echinacea

The cold and flu season is still around. The seasonal allergy season is right around the corner and may have started depending on where you live. When you feel that first tickle in the back of your throat, that first nasally sensation, that’s when you have to take action. That’s what we do in my house, and that’s what I’m going to cover this week.

It begins with echinacea. The research on echinacea is equivocal when it comes to treating colds, but when it comes to boosting the immune system at the beginning of immune challenges, the research supports its use. There are three key factors.

  • Echinacea must be started at the first hint of a symptom, as I suggested above.
  • The dose must be high enough to stimulate the immune system; I recommend 500 mg of echinacea derived from both the root and aerial parts three times per day.
  • Echinacea works best for those with a compromised immune system. Even the healthiest person will catch a cold or have seasonal allergies, but if you have a weak immune system to begin with, or it’s been weakened by illness or stress, echinacea will be even more effective.

That’s where you begin. There are two more to go coming the rest of this week.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet
Reference: Adv Ther. 2015 Mar;32(3):187-200.


How to Fix a Broken Heart

What causes broken heart syndrome (BHS)? Most types of cardiomyopathy are idiopathic—no one really knows how it happens. In the case of BHS, there’s a severe stressor, good or bad, that precipitates the symptoms. But what is actually going on? I found two potential explanations.

First, an excess amount of catecholamines are released in response to the stress. The theory is that this stuns the heart muscle and temporarily causes the muscle weakness. The second theory involves an increase in sympathetic activity in the heart. In short, the nerves that stimulate the heart to beat faster keep firing. Between the two factors, the heart tissue gives the symptoms of BHS.

Another factor may be hormone levels; BHS mostly happens to post-menopausal women over 55 years old. More research is needed to find out whether this is truly a factor or not.

The most important thing to know is that the effects are temporary; the heart tissue is not permanently damaged and can recover. Here’s the important point: the person still needs to be treated in a hospital. Left untreated, the person can die. Typical treatments may be medications to slow down the heart rate and reduce blood pressure. While there may be no blockages, all those tests may show excessive plaque, so changes in diet and medications may be warranted. Typically the heart can recover in a month or two with no permanent damage.

Can you prevent BHS? After all, not everyone who has a severe stress event gets BHS. It’s hard to say with certainty, but there are three things that may help. First, have a strong heart to begin with; exercise is critical for that. Second, find a way to deal with stress on a regular basis: yoga, prayer, meditation, counseling, whatever works for you—do it. It can help with the stress response.

Finally, never, never, ever ignore chest pain. In this case, I’m talking to my women readers. I rant all the time about men who ignore chest pain. Don’t be like them! Women take on the role of caregivers, and that’s so important to our society, but this is a time when you have to take care of yourself first. When in doubt, check it out.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Broken Hearts and Octopus Traps

Broken heart syndrome (BHS) has several names, such as stress-induced cardiomyopathy. One you’ve probably never heard is takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

BHS is similar to other forms of cardiomyopathy in that the heart gets significantly weaker. If you view the appearance of the heart during echocardiography, the bottom of the heart, specifically the left ventricle, is weaker and balloons out more than normal when the heart contracts. Healthcare professionals in Japan thought it looked like the takotsubo, a pot used by Japanese fishermen for trapping octopus, thus the name.

The symptoms of BHS are severe pain deep in the chest along with shortness of breath. For some, there may be a build-up of fluid in the lungs that causes coughing and an inability to sleep lying down. It feels like a heart attack. Some of the changes in the EKG may look like a heart attack, but an angiogram will show no blockages causing a heart attack. Enzymes that rise during a heart attack will not follow the same pattern. The diagnosis can be confirmed by an echocardiogram which will show the ballooning effect.

On Saturday, I’ll finish up the treatment of BHS and what may help to prevent it.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Broken Heart Syndrome

This week’s focus is on American Heart Month and specifically heart disease in women. While heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women, there’s one type of heart disease that affects more women than men: broken heart syndrome. Can you die from a broken heart? Absolutely. We’ll find out how this week.

Cardiomyopathy is a weakening of the muscle tissue of the heart. There are four major forms of cardiomyopathy and several minor ones that can affect men, women, and even children. Cardiomyopathy affects up to one in five people and most don’t know that they have it until serious symptoms start to develop. Shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling in the ankles are the first symptoms people may notice, and the symptoms get more severe as the heart continues to weaken. Treatment can range from medications to a heart transplant in severe cases.

Broken heart syndrome is a special type of cardiomyopathy. The primary cause is severe stress such as the death of a loved one, hence the name. It’s not limited to extreme bad news; extreme good news can initiate the process as well. I’ll explain what happens to the heart in Thursday’s post. Until then, give your loved ones extra hugs and kisses today. More than anything, give them the most important thing above all else: time.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet

