Entries by Chet Zelasko

“What the Health”: False Sugar Claims

“Sugar doesn’t cause diabetes!” So says just about every expert in the film “What the Health.” Of all the misstatements in the film, this one is the worst and most dangerous. It isn’t because the statement is false; it’s because of the way it’s presented. Expert after expert looks into the camera and says that […]

“What the Health”: Half a Star

“What the Health” claims to be “the health film that health organizations don’t want you to see.” My opinion: it’s a movie that isn’t worth the time it takes to see it, and I’d rate it at half a star. The movie is directed by Kip Anderson, the narrator and star of the movie, and […]

The Ignorant Vegan

Before you write me an indignant email, remember this: the definition of ignorant is lacking awareness or uneducated. While being a vegan is a great way to eat, it can also be done poorly and thus can create health issues over time if vegans haven’t bothered to educate themselves. The issue is the foods people […]

What Do Vegans Eat?

The simplest way to describe a vegan diet is that it includes everything—except any food that comes from animals. If it comes from a plant, you can eat it. That includes all vegetables, all fruits, all grains, all legumes, and all nuts. Peanut butter and jelly? Yes, if the bread is vegan. Baked sweet potato […]

All Signs Lead to Vegetables

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve had many questions about vegan diets. Coincidentally Paula recommended a couple of HuffPost articles on rising CO2 levels and the effect on crops. Then someone asked me what I thought about the movie “What the Health” available on Netflix or online; it’s purported to be a documentary on […]

The Bottom Line on Veggies and Carbs

Go ahead and finish your oatmeal and drink your protein-kale smoothie—you do need those veggies. Meanwhile I’ll put the PURE study in perspective. This is a large study that looks at the economics of food as well as the health benefits. In a separate publication, the analysis of the data focused on the cost of […]

PURE Headline 2: Don’t Bother with More Veggies?

Using the same data base of subjects in the PURE Study, researchers examined the vegetable, fruit, and legume intake on total mortality, mortality, and major cardiac events such as heart attacks. The most important finding was that higher vegetable, fruit, and legume intake was associated with a reduced risk of mortality and morbidity. Simply put, […]

PURE Headline 1: Do Carbs Kill?

Never a dull moment when it comes to health news: now they’re asking if you should choose fat rather than carbs. The research study was called PURE: Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology, and you’ll be hearing more about it. Over 150,000 people from five continents, 18 countries, and 613 different communities were included in the study. […]

The Bottom Line on E-Cigarettes

Vaping e-cigarettes is supposed to be better than smoking cigarettes because the toxic chemicals will be gone. That may be true for the chemicals released from tobacco and paper, but the third area of concern is the e-liquids that make up the flavor component of e-cigarettes. The marketing tactic often focuses on the variety of […]

Update: E-Cigarettes Put Lungs at Risk

The second study presented at the European Respiratory Conference on e-cigarettes that caught my attention was a study done in Sweden. Researchers questioned over 30,000 people, randomly selected from the Swedish population. The purpose was to ask the subjects about smoking: did they smoke, what did they smoke, and what type of respiratory symptoms did […]