Entries by Chet Zelasko

Something Greater than Yourself

Who’s going to analyze all of this data when data collection is complete? A better question might be who couldn’t analyze this data. The answer: anyone who has a good research question and agrees to abide by the guidelines of data usage can run an analysis. That could even be you. That’s correct; if you […]

All of Us: The Details

Before I go further, I want you to consider this. For every variable, there will be a million data points. Height: one million. Weight: one million. Hip circumference: one million. You get the idea—and this is the simple stuff. The blood work alone could have 100 variables. Then we get into the DNA. Every gene […]

All of Us

Would you like to be part of one of the largest studies ever attempted in the U.S.? I decided I would and I think you should as well. The study is called All of Us, and it’s an attempt to gather health data from one million or more volunteers and then track them over many […]

The Bottom Line on Meatless Burgers

There are a couple more differences between the meatless burgers and beef burgers. To get the red color, the Impossible Burger uses soy leghemoglobin from the roots of soy plants, while the Beyond Burger uses beet juice. Both are vegan and give the burgers their red color. The Impossible Burger also adds some B vitamins […]

Defining Healthier Burgers

Other than being plant-based, how do these burgers compare for being healthy? In order to know that, we must define “healthy.” Beef is criticized, no matter how it’s raised and processed, for having too much unhealthy fat. How about the Impossible and Beyond Meat burgers? A burger generally uses 80/20 beef, which means 80% protein […]

Are You Ready for Meatless Burgers?

Grilling season is here and that means all kinds of meat get char-broiled. I love a good burger, but that leaves a growing segment of the population out of luck: vegans and vegetarians. Grilled vegetables are great, from asparagus to zucchini, but some people love the sensation of chowing down on a burger. They miss […]

Coordinating BPH Herbals and PSA

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, father figures, and so on. Now let’s work on making you all healthier. If you take one of the BPH medications, you have to work with your physician to determine how you’ll work out your PSA testing. What might not have been clear was that the medications don’t […]

BPH Medication and Prostate Cancer

The medications used for treating BPH can mask true PSA levels; based on prior research, the PSA value should be doubled. I didn’t know that and evidently neither do many of the men who take the medications known as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Does it have an impact on prostate cancer diagnosis and mortality? Researchers examined […]

BPH Treatment and PSA

One of the reasons I love what I do is that I learn something new just about every day. In this case, it may help some men sooner rather than later if they have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The urethra runs right through the prostate gland. As a man ages, the prostate gland has a […]

Does Fenugreek Extract Raise Testosterone Levels?

“Do nothing and remain a shell of the man you could be!” That’s ad copy used for a popular brand of male virility product called Nugenix on their website. Nugenix is one of a number of products that try to address low testosterone levels in men; it contains fenugreek, among other substances. Fenugreek has many […]