Entries by Chet Zelasko

Skeletal Muscle: Strength

This week, we’re turning our attention to skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle allows us to move and to lift ourselves and other objects. The two primary features are strength and stamina. Let’s begin with strength. A simple definition of strength is the most weight you could lift once. That could be as little as a couple […]

Exercise Your Heart, Part 2

Did you ever have to hurry to catch a connecting flight? Walk fast or maybe even jog? Were you able to do it? How about carrying a child who weighs 45 pounds for a quarter mile because she’s hurt her foot? Could you do it? That’s where your heart reserve comes in: facing challenges that […]

Exercise Your Heart, Part 1

In my opinion, the single most important thing you can do to be able to live life at your best is to exercise your heart. Every day. You don’t have to run marathons; you don’t ever need to run at all. You just need to train your heart every day. I’ve broken it down into […]

How to Live Every Day

“What’s the point of being alive if you can’t really live?” That’s what a colleague and I arrived at when discussing the purpose of a program we’re working on, but it speaks to each and every one of us. To be living every day we’re alive. I suspect one of the reasons we limit our […]

AI and Healthcare

What if, at some point in the future, your next physical is done via a holographic physician? The hologram will be chosen specifically for you, based on age, gender, and other characteristics collected from your posts on social media, websites you’ve visited, music you’ve listened to, shows you’ve watched on television or whatever replaces that […]

Online Prescriptions? Good Grief!

If you listen to the radio, surf the Internet, or watch television, you might have heard a pitch for a discreet way to treat sexual problems, hair loss, even depression and anxiety: just visit their website. These are not pitches for supplements or other non-traditional treatments; they’re for medications that can fix your problem. Don’t […]

Now There’s Mobile Dental Care

When I travel, I get to read more including some of the business magazines. Over this last weekend, I read three separate articles related to healthcare and the way it’s being delivered using today’s technology. I have teeth cleaning scheduled for today, so I’ll begin with dental care. How would you like to have the […]

Should You Try Prescription Fish Oil?

The final marketing point that the prescription fish oil supplement makes is that the DHA omega-3 fatty acid found in many heart healthy fish oil blends may raise LDL-cholesterol. That’s the cholesterol, known as the lousy cholesterol, associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Based on the studies I read, there may be a […]

Fish Oil: Medication versus Supplements

Before I address the concerns about fish oil supplements put forth by the Vascepa® prescription omega-3 website, it’s important to understand that all prescription and over-the-counter medications have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That means they have spent a significant amount of money—sometimes over $1 billion—to prove that the treatment […]

Treatment for High Triglycerides

Hypertriglyceridemia, the medical term for high triglycerides, is a risk for cardiovascular disease. Recently I spotted a health headline from a medical newsletter that read “Omega-3 Fatty Acid Medications Can Boost Cardiovascular Health.” The word that caught my attention was “medications” so I checked it out. The article described the benefits of recently approved medications […]