Entries by Chet Zelasko

Final Thoughts on Living Every Day

There are dozens of topics that I could still cover about making sure you live your life every day you’re alive: supplements you could take, a healthy microbiome, protecting your vision, and on and on. But if you don’t get to the part where you eat less, eat better, and move more, the rest doesn’t […]

New Research Yields One More Factor

The last recommendation for you in living every day you’re alive involves keeping the body working its best through regular maintenance. That means seeing your healthcare professionals on schedule. Here are some examples of what that can mean. Researchers recently published a paper on the impact of a narrow band of ultraviolet light on the […]

The Command Center

We’re going to finish this month’s look at living life instead of just being alive by talking about brain health. The brain is the command center of the body, telling it what to do 24/7 without you having to think about it. Be honest: when was the last time you consciously told your heart to […]

Balancing Act

The final component of everything we’ve covered this month to date is balance, the integration of every physical component of health we’ve talked about: muscular strength, endurance, stamina, flexibility, bones, and joint health. If we work on every one of the prior physical components, it enhances our ability to stay upright until we choose not […]

What to Do About Aching Joints

When we stop to consider what prevents us from moving as much and as freely as we would like, the main culprit would probably be our joints: knees for most, with hips a close second. Shoulders are up there, along with our feet and hands. One of my problem areas is my thumbs in the […]

Maintaining Bone Health

In trying to live every day we’re alive, I’ve spent a lot of time talking about the ability to move, but it’s not just about muscle. Those muscles connect to bones for the most part, and the bones must be healthy as well. One of the basic tenets of healthy bones is Wolfe’s law, which […]

Improve Your Posture

Today is the final post about the physical factors of living and not just being alive, and it’s about your posture, the way you carry yourself. Posture reflects the interplay of your skeletal, muscular, and nervous system: the way you stand, the way you move, and the way you sit. Those all rely on the […]

Core Flexibility and Lower Back Pain

On any given day, lower back pain afflicts 25% of the population; 80% of all adults will experience it as some point in their life, and it’s still a major cause of lost work days and workman compensation claims. Face it, as long as we walk upright, we’re going to have lower back pain of […]

How Flexible Are You?

Living every day you’re alive requires flexibility. Range of motion in your joints is important to your ability to move, but it can be difficult. As the years add up, touching your toes with your knees locked, whether sitting on the floor or standing, lifting your arms over your head, or even lifting your arms […]

Preventing Muscle Loss

This final installment on muscle focuses on keeping the muscle mass you’ve got. That’s one of the keys to living every day you’re alive: the ability to move at every age. There are three things that are important to hanging onto muscle. Use it or lose it. Actually, you’re going to lose it not matter […]