Entries by Chet Zelasko

How Complex Systems Fail

If we acknowledge that the human body is itself a complex system and is made up of individual complex systems, then we can examine where things may go wrong to cause disease. In order to “fix it,” we have to be able to identify where things can go wrong. For ideas on that, I’m going […]

The System Theory of Disease

I first heard about systems and disease in a TED talk by Dr. David Agus, an oncologist in Southern California. (You can watch that TED talk by clicking the link above or copying the one in the references.) In it, he talks about how cancer is being treated: attack the cancer directly wherever it’s located. […]

The Systems Theory of Health

When we consider Aging with a Vengeance, a systems approach to health is critical. We cannot consider one issue such as high blood pressure or arthritis without understanding that it’s not just a single organ or parts of organs that are involved in improving if not completely fixing a health problem. As Aging with a […]

Artificial Sweeteners and Your Digestive System

Before I address the concerns of the study on artificial sweeteners I talked about on Tuesday, be assured that I’m bringing you the facts as I interpret them. If you don’t use artificial sweeteners, I’m not trying to convert you, but I’m not going to let slide inflammatory headlines that only seek to raise fear […]

Are Artificial Sweeteners Toxic to the Microbiome?

If you use artificial sweeteners and you saw the words “danger,” “artificial sweeteners,” and “serious health issues” all in the same headline, you’d probably be concerned. The headline recently appeared in my newsfeed, and because many of us use artificial sweeteners, I had to check it out. Here’s what researchers found in a study published […]

Want Fewer Medications? Change Your Lifestyle

The study that we examined on Tuesday showed that a regular exercise program can help reduce the number of medications related to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. We’re not talking about youngsters; 51 subjects completed the study with an initial mean age of 54. There were some outcomes that were likely unexpected; for example, […]

Can You Reduce Your Medications?

One of the questions that I get asked frequently goes something like this: “Dr. Chet, how can I reduce the medications I’m taking?” Along with that question is, “I don’t want to have to take medications for blood pressure or cholesterol or diabetes. What can I do?” As we proceed with a focus on Aging […]

Four Tips for the 4th!

We are fast approaching the three-day holiday weekend to celebrate the 4th of July here in the U.S. It got me to thinking: just because it’s a holiday, it doesn’t mean we should completely abandon some of our health habits that might be strained a little bit, given the celebrations associated with Independence Day. This […]

Should People with CVD Take Omega-3s?

Last time, I talked about some research that hasn’t been done to definitively know whether DHA contributes to arrhythmias or not, but I implied that there may be one issue that may have contributed to this latest study. Let’s talk about research bias. Research Bias Some of the researchers who examined the data from the […]

Omega-3s and Heart Disease

In addition to the research papers on omega-3s I talked about last week, another paper was presented at the American College of Cardiology in May that suggests EPA seems to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD), while DHA seems to neutralize the benefits. Let’s take a look at this recent study to see what they found. I […]