Entries by Chet Zelasko

The Supplementation Sweet Spot, Part Two

We’ve got the beginning of our sweet spot for supplementation started with a multivitamin-multimineral and probiotics; today I’ll finish it up with two more—depending. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Recommendations on the type of omega-3s seem to be in flux with disagreements over docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The cause for concern seems to be the potential relationship between […]

Identifying the Supplementation Sweet Spot

I believe everyone should add a foundation of supplements to their diet, but there’s no reason to take supplements you don’t need. The last two weeks, I’ve written about the sweet spot for nutrition and exercise as I see it, so it just seems logical to do the same thing for dietary supplements. While supplementation […]

Getting to the Exercise Sweet Spot

Do you realize that five minutes is only 0.3% of a day? Can you really say you can’t at least begin to exercise? “Five minutes isn’t the issue—it’s the 45 minutes a day!” Yes, although 45 minutes is only a whopping 3% of your day, I know it can be hard to work it into […]

Finding the Exercise Sweet Spot

After last week’s Memos on a sweet spot for food intake, Paula asked if I could do the same thing for exercise. The sweet spot for exercise isn’t so much between not enough movement and too much movement—it’s really between not enough movement and too much time, because most of us never have enough time […]

Found: The Dietary Sweet Spot

Did you have any hot dogs this week after considering the minutes you might lose? How about eating some salmon for what you might gain? If it at least gave you pause, that’s good. The researchers did this study because “research shows that the overconsumption of food detrimental to health and underconsumption of food beneficial […]

In Search of the Sweet Spot for What You Eat

After studying nutrition and exercise for so many years, the one thing I’ve tried to find is the “sweet spot” when it comes to what we should eat. I don’t mean how much sugar or sugary foods can we eat; I mean what do we have to eat to be healthy, reduce our risk of […]

The Dog Will See You Now

The Memo title is from Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast about canine screening of disease, and I would urge you to listen to it. While the focus is on prostate cancer, the logical question comes up: could dogs be used to screen people for COVID-19? The answer is yes. No one knows for certain whether they can […]

Diagnosing Disease: The Canine Frontier

Malcolm Gladwell, one of my favorite authors, recently did a show on his podcast “Revisionist History” concerning the use of dogs in screening for prostate cancer. You probably recognize his name from his many books including “The Tipping Point”; if you haven’t tried his podcast, I recommend it. If there’s one thing that keeps men […]

When in Doubt…

It may shock you to know that there are no U.S. Federal laws that mandate the use of dates on foods or supplements with a single exception: infant formula must carry dates. That makes sense—the nutrient content of formula is important for the growth and development of the baby. Other than that, as long as […]

Best If Used By

Here’s a question I’m often asked about dietary supplements as well as food: What should we do with a food or supplement once it’s past the expiration date? One of my health newsfeeds had a title that mentioned milk going bad, so my mind was off and running! What does “Best If Used By” actually […]