
Peaking Physically at the Right Time

The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl again. You can love them or hate them, but you have to respect what they’ve accomplished. In fact, you have to respect the physical preparation of both teams leading up to the game. No one seemed winded or gasping for air, and no one seemed to be cramping or suffering other physical issues.

Tom Brady’s physical preparation is well known; at 41, he’s the oldest quarterback to win a Super Bowl. But both teams were physically ready to play, and they peaked at exactly the right time.

Wouldn’t you like to be able to do that? There are many paths that can get you there. On Super Bowl Sunday in my Super Bowl Webinar, I showed one way for you to have the energy to peak at just the right time. You can purchase the replay for the rest of the week and watch it any time up to two weeks after that.

But physical peaking is just one part of the story. You have to be prepared mentally as well and that decided the difference in the game. I’ll tell you why on Thursday.

What are you prepared to do today?  

        Dr. Chet