
Happy New Year!

The beginning of a new year! Even though calendars are man-made, the new year signals a time for new goals to be accomplished in the next 365 days. I’m sure that health goals are included in those goals. Getting fitter, getting leaner, adding muscle, improving balance and flexibility, and addressing digestive issues, but that’s not all. Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and getting a solution for chronic joint pain. Addressing dental health to improve chewing­—so important for getting adequate nutrition. Don’t forget vision when glasses aren’t enough.

Some solutions can be found in diet, nutrition, exercise, and supplements, but they can’t solve every issue. Medications and surgery may also be required, because they can be a part of health as well. They are not competitors; they can complement one another.

As I see it, we all can do better on our end to optimize our health, and healthcare professionals certainly have room for improving how they treat patients. I’ll do my part by giving you the tried-and-true methods as well as the latest science so you can reach every health goal you set.

Happy New Year! Let’s make this the year you achieve your health goals. Together we can do it.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet