
The Cause of Obesity

On Tuesday, I said that I couldn’t get past the word disease in the statement from CDC Head of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: “Obesity is a disease caused by many factors, including eating patterns, physical activity levels, sleep routines, genetics, and certain medications.” While we can agree that there may be a genetic or medication contribution to obesity, there is only one real cause.

The definition of disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause, and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical change. There’s no question that obesity has anatomical changes that result in symptoms.

But understand the numbers of obesity. Not everyone is massively oversized; the average height for a man in the U.S. is 5’9” and over 202 pounds to be considered obese, while for the average height of a women is 5’4” and over 173 pounds. There are many people who can hide that weight well. My point is that it’s not the largest individuals who are tipping the scales in the increase in obesity; it’s all of us above normal weight contributing our share.

The disorder part of the definition is one that is clear.

The Cause of Obesity

The cause of obesity is the systematic overconsumption of calories, usually taking years, if not decades, to manifest itself.

The Evidence for the Cause

There are two examples I’ll cite, both related to World War II. The first was the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. Male conscientious objectors had to lose 25% of their body weight in six months. They were normal weight when the study began, and their caloric intake was adjusted weekly to maintain the required weight loss. The result was a linear loss of 25% of their weight in six months.

This one is extreme but applies nevertheless. No one walked out of concentration camps overweight after being liberated—no one. They were systematically starved until they no longer had the energy to work.

In both cases, there was not a change in structure or function; the people were simply starved. The result was weight loss. There’s no change in structure or function when we systematically overeat. However, once we’re overweight and obese, there are changes in the structure and function of our bodies that must be dealt with. But it still comes down to this: a calorie is a calorie. No matter what genetics we have or what medications we take or how little we move, we won’t get fat if we don’t overeat.

The Bottom Line

We are obese because we consistently eat too many calories. We can reduce our weight if we systematically eat less. Yes, there are challenges to overcome because of those structure and function changes caused by chronically overeating. You just have to find the way to reduce your caloric input that works for you. Eat less. Eat better. Move more.

I frequently am asked which calorie-counting app is best, and I don’t have an answer. Do you? Have you found one that’s easy to use? Drop me an email and let me know which app you like and why. I’ll give them a try and let you all know which ones perform best.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet
