
Here Comes the Stress

We’ve entered the stress zone for many people: the holiday season, the hustle, the bustle, the people, the shopping, even in the cyber age. But mostly, it’s the people. There seems to be so many of them, and they all seem to congregate wherever you’re going. What seemed so exciting when you were a child isn’t as exciting as an adult.

Here’s a little secret: the time of year doesn’t really matter. Stress will always be there. It just seems worse this time of the year as we bounce from one holiday event to another. In reality, it’s not the stress; it’s how we respond to it that can impact us. And impact us it does, from the nervous system, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, and on and on.

What can you do about it? Beginning on Saturday, I’m going to spend some time explaining what the stress response is and how you can deal with it. But something you can do right now is very simple. Take a deep breath in, a real deep breath, and let it out. Do that two or three times. It can reset the vagus nerve and give you some instant relief.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet