
Why We Need Basic Research

Imagine what your life would be like if you washed your face and your skin started to blister and bleed. If you tried to answer an email, typing caused your fingers to bleed so much that blood dripped on the keyboard. Welcome to the world of a young man who has recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, or RDEB. A protein that helps the skin “stick” to the inner layers is missing in people with that genetic disorder, which affects an estimated 3.3 out of every million people. Is he concerned about whether research on basic science continues? You bet, even though he’s not likely to live long enough to see the benefits of that research. If you want to read Shane DiGiovanna’s story, follow this link to the article.

Shane’s story, while uplifting and sad at the same time, is not the point. The point is that with a decrease in funding for basic research—and genetic mutations are basic research—there’s likely to be less research than there was before, and it was already sparse. Add to that RDEB is an “orphan disease” with about three cases per million people, and there’s no incentive for pharmaceutical companies to continue research to find solutions. While the orphan drug program is funded through 2025, solutions could be decades away. The basic research needs to happen on RDEB and other orphan diseases before scientists even know where to look for solutions. Basic research is just that; it’s the base from which all the other research is developed. And you’ll never get anywhere if you never start.

Remember, it took over 50 years from determining what a gene does until GLP-1 agonists were developed. Even what seems like simple delays can set back progress for years, because labs can close and scientists can work on other, more lucrative research. That’s why the lack of research could make pharmaceutical companies more profitable than ever: no more money spent on minor diseases, just the major ones that affect many people and bring the biggest payday.

How much can delays slow down research? I’ll cover that in the next two memos. I’m also working on a segment for my new webinar Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies that focuses on genetics and vitamin B9. I’ll let you know when it’s available for purchase.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet
