Let’s Improve Kids’ Health
I’m kicking off the New Year with a webinar about children, Kids’ Top Health Issues. Specifically, I’ll cover the top three questions that I get all the time about kids: digestive issues, especially constipation; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; and autism. If you have children who face these issues or even if, like a teacher or grandparent, you just want to better understand these conditions, sign up for this webinar today; space will be limited for the live event.
The webinar will cover the following:
Defining each condition and giving some background information
Examining the latest research on the potential causes
Exploring the best dietary approach for each condition
Reviewing some natural approaches that may help
The webinar will be presented so that people with no scientific background can understand each condition and what may help from a nutritional and exercise perspective. Whether you have a child with these conditions or not, you’ll learn something that will be helpful.
The Kids’ Top Health Issues webinar will be held on Sunday, January 26 at 4 p.m. Eastern Time. Admission is $14.95; if you can’t attend the live presentation, the replay of the webinar will be available. It is certainly appropriate for kids to watch if they want, and I will leave time to answer questions at the end of the live presentation.
What are you prepared to do today?