
What About Fiber?

Here’s one more thing you might want to add to your smoothie: fiber. In this case, it depends on the type of fiber more than anything else. Let me illustrate. My grandson Riley and I have something we call “soup” almost every night. It has two kinds of fiber as well as a probiotic mixed with water.

Riley can be pokey when he eats and sometimes, it carries over to when he drinks liquids. One evening, when I wasn’t paying attention, he didn’t drink his soup quickly enough, and it turned into a jelly-like consistency. The reason is that one of the fibers I put in the blend is ground psyllium husks, and while it’s great fiber, that’s one of its characteristics. It will do the same thing if you take too long to drink your smoothie.

There are some fibers that don’t turn to gel quite as fast as psyllium husks such as inulin, pectin, guar gum, and digestion-resistant maltodextrin. These fibers function differently than psyllium fiber. I don’t know that I would prepare them the night before and let them sit in the fridge overnight, but hey, if you’re willing to give it a try, go for it.

The Insider Conference Call is tomorrow night. The topic of the night is a look at the benefits of blood orange on metabolism as well as answering Insider questions. You can join in by becoming an Insider by 8 p.m. Wednesday evening.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet