

I’ve said before that in my opinion, the single most important thing you can do to limit the problems of aging is to get to a normal body weight and maintain it. If you’ve been overweight most of your life, as I have been, that can be a real challenge. While the research on what’s called Blue Zones is somewhat controversial, all we have are the observations of different researchers over the years. What seemed obvious to me, as a professional observer, is that people who lived longer seemed to be a normal weight for their height. And to me, that is the absolute goal to work towards.

It’s not easy, and it’s not going to happen overnight. But whether you’re 20, 50, even 70, if it takes you five years to get there, you’re still relatively young. That means that when you do get to be 80, you’ll actually be 80 instead of having died when you were 77. When do you begin to eat less, eat better, and move more to get to that normal weight for height?

Today. No matter how long it’s going to take, you begin today.

Insider Conference Call

I’ve been asked about cyanocobalamin, a synthetic form of vitamin B12. That’s the topic of the evening along with answering personal and product questions. If you’re not an Insider, become an Insider by 8 p.m. Wednesday evening and you can join in the conversation.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet