
New Guidelines on Childhood Obesity

If you pay attention to health news, you know the American Association of Pediatrics issued new guidelines on how to treat childhood obesity. Depending on where you read or listened to how those guidelines were presented, all you may have heard is that kids over 12 can get medications to help with weight loss and teens over 14 can have gastric by-pass surgery.

Then the experts weighed in (no pun intended). One pediatric physician predicted doctors would just pull out the prescription pad and not address the root cause of obesity. Psychological experts said this is going to cause increases in disordered eating, which includes anorexia and bulimia.

This story hits home for me because food was love in a Polish household like mine. I’ve been overweight since I was around eight years old, and it’s been a life-long struggle to get to a normal BMI. But even at my heaviest, I was nowhere near the weight many kids are today.

Is that all that was in the guidelines? You can read the summary at the link below. Then on Saturday I’ll break them down to get the bottom line.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: Pediatrics e2022060641.