

Thank you all for the prayers, good thoughts, and well wishes. I’m going to hang on to them for a while. My surgery was cancelled for this morning; Paula and I didn’t find out until we arrived at the hospital at 7:30 to check in. I was not alone. My surgeon had three surgeries cancelled for today; multiply that by many surgeons times several days, and you get an idea of how many people were disappointed. The surgery will be rescheduled for a date to be determined.

Why was it cancelled on such short notice? Because the hospital was overrun with COVID hospitalizations over the weekend. They have sufficient staff but no beds, even for an outpatient knee replacement surgery such as mine. I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but there’s a significant COVID resurgence in Michigan with no end in sight.

I’ll keep doing the prehab and be even better prepared when the knee replacement is rescheduled. I hope the reader who has had her aortic aneurism surgery postponed for the third time lives until her rescheduled surgery.

I looked at the data again since we got home: over 80% of those hospitalized haven’t been vaccinated. Take it from someone who understands the science—get vaccinated. It’s not a guarantee, but it puts the odds in your favor and helps all the people who need hospital beds.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet