
Vitamin D and COVID-19: Upside-Down World

Vitamin D has been in the health news as it relates to the COVID-19 virus. Are vitamin D levels related to the severity of symptoms if you’re exposed to the virus? We’ll take a look at a recent observational study and the medical responses to it this week.

There have been reports that people with higher vitamin D levels in their blood were doing better in response to the COVID-19 infection than those with lower levels. Researchers in Ireland decided to check that out in a unique way. Using epidemiological data from European countries that were hit with the COVID-19 virus, they found something interesting. Countries such as Spain and Italy that had more sunshine had lower vitamin D levels and did poorly in response to the virus. Countries in northern Europe such as Norway and Finland with their short winter days had higher levels of vitamin D and did better in response to the virus.

This is counter to what we would expect. The higher the sun, the higher the vitamin D, right? Evidently not. What was the difference? Due to the lack of sunshine in the north, supplementation with vitamin D was recommended by government health agencies, but there were no vitamin D recommendations in the southern countries. Is vitamin D the solution to this COVID-19 virus? Nothing is ever quite that simple, as we’ll find out on Thursday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: Irish Med J. 2020; 113 (5):81-88.