
Get This Free COVID-19 Audio

The COVID-19 virus is impacting our lives, yet there seems to be a lot of confusion about what is and is not real. That’s why I’ve put together this free download on the COVID-19 virus. I’ve included the answers to questions I’ve gotten and divided them into a logical order. What is the history of the virus? Where did it come from? When will this be over? What do we do to protect ourselves? And finally, what are the myths surrounding the COVID-19?

This is the reference audio to use as baseline information. The numbers will certainly change; there will be new potential treatments; and there are certainly more myths being promoted every day. This audio is where to begin.

There are so many experts in all kinds of media right now, and you may wonder why you should listen to me. Here’s a link to my bio so you can see what my background is and decide for yourself.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet