
Exercise Your Heart, Part 1

In my opinion, the single most important thing you can do to be able to live life at your best is to exercise your heart. Every day. You don’t have to run marathons; you don’t ever need to run at all. You just need to train your heart every day. I’ve broken it down into two components that I’ll call baseline and reserve.

The aerobic baseline for your heart is just that: the level of fitness you need to accomplish every day tasks. The baseline will be different based on your age, your initial fitness level, and what your everyday activities are. That’s as simple as walking across a room and as challenging as being a laborer on a construction site or moving furniture up five flights of stairs.

If there are no orthopedic issues, the simplest exercise is walking or it could be long-distance running or bike riding. The goal is to get your heart rate elevated enough to cause the heart to beat faster than it does when resting. That trains the heart in more ways than I can explain.

The simplest way to describe how to do it’s this way. Walk fast enough so that you have to take a deep breath once in a while but you can carry on a conversation. If you can’t talk, slow it down. But if you can sing, that’s too slow. You can use that across every aerobic type of exercise from aerobics to Zumba. The goal is at least 30 minutes most days of the week.

You also need a reserve and I’ll talk about that on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet