
Warning: Vaping Update

A couple of months ago, I happened to read a story about a couple of graduate students who came up with a business plan to replace cigarettes with vapes; they wanted the nicotine from the vapes but none of the harmful chemicals in tobacco products. Turns out, the company in the commercial was their company 15 years later after a major investment by a tobacco company.

With a DVR, you can pretty much skip all commercials if you want to. But as I hit the fast-forward recently, I saw something that made me rewind. It said something like “Warning: the following product contains nicotine.” The bulk of the commercial was a testimonial from someone who quit smoking cigarettes by switching to an electronic nicotine delivery system or vaping, for short. The commercial ended with the name of the product found in many vaping stores.

The health questions that vaping presents haven’t been answered, especially the question implied by the commercial: does vaping help people quit smoking cigarettes? Further, do people who smoked tobacco and switch to vaping ultimately quit nicotine all together?

I’ll answer the first question on Thursday. What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet