
Do Fit People Live Longer?

Will being fit help you live longer? Does the improvement to the respiratory, cardiovascular, and muscular systems result in an increase in longevity? Researchers in Austria did a thorough review of the science of fitness to find out.

They approached it in the same manner I would: review the systems involved and how aging affected them. Then find out how each system responds to exercise training. Finally, look at the diseases related to aging to see if fitness made a difference.

It would be great to say that they concluded that fitness impacts how long we will live, but at this point, there’s no conclusive evidence that it does. But what being fit can do is give you more life in each day. The systems’ response to exercise may not stop the Grim Reaper, but at least he will have to chase you to catch you.

The researchers focused on those systems directly related to fitness, but there are so many more benefits to your hormonal system, nervous system, digestive system, and more. You may not live a single second longer, but I believe you will live better every second you have—less time in the nursing home or hospital, and more time out doing what you want. And that’s definitely worth the time and the effort.

The countdown to the Super Bowl Webinar is at eight days. Whether you’re already very fit, restricted in the intensity you can exercise, or haven’t worked out in years, I’ll teach you how to lose more fat than any other program. Sign up today.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: Front Biosci. 2018. Mar 1;23:1505-1516.