
Should You Get the Shingles Vaccination?

I think everyone over 60 should get the shingles vaccination, and the older you are, the more important it is. You’re going to get a lot of opinions on this one, so here’s how I arrived at this recommendation.

Remember, one out of three or 33% of those over 60 will get shingles. The shingles vaccine is effective only 51% of the time. If the vaccine is effective half the time, that lowers your chances by half so your odds are only about 17% that you’ll get shingles. But that isn’t the reason I would recommend it.

The reason is because of the postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) that some people develop. Shingles is bad but PHN is worse; I’ve heard excruciating stories from people, mostly due to the region that was affected. You cannot predict where it will occur and the rash and pain is debilitating. Here’s the important point: the shingles vaccination will lower the risk of getting PHN by 67%. That lowers the risk of getting PHN to less than 10%. Those are odds I like.

It’s not known what increases your risk of shingles. The best predictor is family history: if your parents or siblings have had shingles, the probability is greater that you’ll get it. And that makes the vaccination an even better bet.

I have no family history of shingles, but I got the shingles vaccine about a year ago. I’m neither an advocate for nor against vaccinations. I look at the science and determine the odds; I don’t always get the flu vaccine. In this case, because I intend to live a long time and the odds of getting shingles increases with age, I decided it was the right decision. Yes, it’s an expensive vaccination, but check your coverage; Paula just discovered she can get it for about half price through her prescription plan and with her sensitive redhead skin, she’s not taking any chances.

It’s your body. Only you can decide what’s right for you. For more information, check out the link below.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet

